Deleting Objects


To Delete Unassigned Employees

  1. Select Tools/ Maintenance/ Unassigned Employees/ Delete from the main menu.

The Delete Unassigned Employees dialog appears.

  1. Highlight an Employee from the Unassigned Employees box, click >> and click OK.

The Delete Results dialog appears.

  1. Click OK.

To Delete Unused Tasks

  1. Select Tools/ Maintenance/ Unassigned Tasks/ Delete from the main menu.

The Delete Unassigned Tasks dialog appears.

  1. Highlight a Task from the Unassigned Tasks box, click >> and click OK.

The Delete Results dialog appears.

  1. Click OK.

To Delete Unused Resources

  1. Select Tools/ Maintenance/ Unassigned Resources/ Delete from the main menu.

The Delete Unassigned Resources dialog appears.

  1. Highlight a Resource from the Unassigned Resources box, click >> and click OK.

The Delete Results dialog appears.

  1. Click OK.

Please note:  If you have removed a Task from all of its Processes, and a Resource remained assigned to this Task, the Task is considered unassigned, but the resource is still assigned.  To be able to delete the resource, you will either have to reassign the Task to a Sub Process and remove the resource, or delete the Task and the resource will become unassigned.