Interpret Saved Assessments |
A saved assessment is a type of bookmark, in that it saves your place (as a Learner) on an assessment in the system. If you are called away from your computer while completing an online test, this feature allows you to save your work, without potentially having to submit an incomplete test - resulting in a failed final test attempt.
There are certain properties of a Saved Assessment:
Only Internal TRACCESS assessments can be saved. If you are linking to an ASSESS assessment, it does not have that functionality.
By default, a saved assessment can only be saved once. In other words, you cannot open an assessment, save it, reopen it, and resave it.
Only final assessments can be saved. This is because since the marks in a practical assessment are not recorded, it does not matter if you have to exit your practice assessment before you have completed it.
Not all assessments can be saved. This is determined on a Task-by-Task basis by the Subject Matter Expert who created the assessment. If an assessment consists of only one or two questions, the SME may decide not to allow the assessment to be saved, whereas if the assessment contains several questions, they may want to allow the assessment to be saved.
By default, only one assessment can be saved at a time. This prevents a Learner from starting several assessments and saving them. A saved assessment must be completed before another can be saved. If the SME wishes to change this, and allow more than one assessment to be saved at the same time, the default value can be changed in the Tools/ System Options/ Online Assessments tab.
The system may require that saved assessments be completed within a specific amount of time. For example, you may be required to resume a saved assessment within 24 hours of saving it. If this is the case, and you try to access the saved assessment and the set amount of time has passed, it will record a failed final assessment attempt, and delete your saved assessment.
By default, this feature is not enabled. However, the System Owner can set a value for this feature by accessing Tools/ Object Definitions, and setting the default value of the Knowledge Assessment/ Saved Assessment Expiry Time to a specific value.