Interpret Data Warehouse |
Information that can be viewed onscreen for a particular application is often very different than information that can be reported on. For example, when a Learner logs into the system, they can see all of the Process Sets, Processes, Sub Processes and Tasks that have been assigned to the Organization Units that they are a Learner in. This also displays the Tasks in the 299 possible states that a Task can have. However, looking at the database tables paints a very different picture. The database tables only captures Tasks if they have ever been attempted. An incomplete, never attempted nor elapsed, Task is not recorded in the regular database tables. This is the "normal" state of the data.
What the data warehouse feature does is "de-normalize" the database into a new set of Data Warehouse tables. These tables will include information that is not usually stored by the regular tables (what Tasks a Learner has access to, regardless of state, and in what Organization Unit context do they have access to these Tasks). By creating "snapshots" of the database at specific intervals, the data can be manipulated to obtain information such as:
Of the Tasks an Organization Unit has access to, what percent of these Tasks is complete for each Learner
How does the Qualification Status of the system change over time, for both the Learner and the entire Organization Unit
The data warehouse allows you to easily retrieve learning records for use with Crystal Reports, MS Excel, MS Access, or any reporting tools you prefer.
To access a data model of the table structure created by the data warehouse, select either of two formats: (.JPG or .VSD).