Generate Report

Please note:  Indicating the Report Type in your Generated Report Title is unnecessary.  All Generated Reports will be listed under their corresponding Report Type in the Report Manager and the My Reports dialog.

Also, you cannot leave the Title field blank.  The program will not allow you to generate the report without a Title.

Contrary to the Subtitle, the Description can be changed after the report has been generated.  To do so, right-click on the generated report in the context view, and select Edit.

Please note:  Changing the default setting will affect each new employee that is entered into the system.  All existing employees' properties will have to be changed manually (or by creating an import file to change Employee properties all at once - see Import Employees)

Differences between Report Types

The Generate Report dialog will differ slightly depending on which report is currently being generated.  This is to account for some different layout options on certain reports.  The reports that have the Generate Report dialog are:

The reports that have different Generate Report dialogs (the exceptions) are listed below.

Export Report

The Export report is the exception to every rule.  You will never see the report formatted with a Header, Footer or Custom graphic.  It simply produces a text file that can be used to import information into an ERP or HRIS system.  Entering text into the Subtitle field is useless, since this information will never be seen anywhere.  Entering text into the Description field will still be displayed in the context view when the report template is selected.

Requalification and Task Completion Reports

These reports are unique in that they provide two layouts, depending on the way you wish to export the report.