Interpret Email Samples |
There are several functions in TRACCESS that require email addresses to be added to an Employee's profile. These functions include:
Messaging - a Supervisor/ Operational Administrator/ System Owner can send messages to the members of their Organization Units via the Organization Manager.
Feedback - a Learner can send a message to someone in Management regarding a particular object.
Task in My Job - the message is sent to their Supervisor
Request a Capability Assessment - the message is sent to their Supervisor
Knowledge Assessment Question - the message is sent to the Task Owner.
Events - all management roles (Supervisor, Operational Administrator, Reporter, Subject Matter Expert and System Owner) can create Events of two types. Both types can be set to generate emails.
Timed Event - a message can be sent at a specified time to a select group of Employees. For example, you may wish to send a message to your staff as a reminder to complete their time sheets, or as a reminder that a particular scheduled report has been completed.
Employee/ Task Event - a message can be sent to Learners and/ or their Supervisors that their Tasks are in a particular state. For example, a Learner and/ or their Supervisor could receive a message that a Knowledge Assessment has been passed (or failed).
Report Generation - When a report is generated, the "generator" (as opposed to the creator - which may be the same person) is sent a message upon the report's completion.
Email Milestones in the Occupational Development Schedule - A Learner, or their Supervisor, can set up email milestones that correspond with the particular Activity.
"Validating" Email Addresses in an Employee Profile - If you would like to "validate" that each Employee in the system has a valid email address, follow this series of steps. You should receive one of three results:
Employees with valid email addresses will receive a test message in their Inbox
For each employee without anything in their email address field - the person doing the test will receive a "TRACCESS Message: A Sent message had some invalid recipients". This message will list those people who do not have email addresses.
For each employee with an invalid email address - the person doing the test will receive an "Undeliverable" message. This message will list those addresses that do not exist. From here, the error can likely be resolved as a spelling mistake in the Employee's email address.