Create a Task Summary Report


To create a Task Summary Template

  1. Open the Reports Manager.

  2. Right-click on Task Summary and select New.

    The New Task Summary Report Template - Learning page appears.

  1. From the left box, select the Tasks to include in your report, and click >>.  

  2. Click Next>.

    The New Task Summary Report Template - Organization Units page appears.

  1. Expand the Organization Units heading to display the Organization Units, Learners heading and Employees.  

  2. Select the objects you wish to include in your report template.

Selecting to report on an object that contains descendants will report on the descendants also.  For example, selecting to report on Organization Units will report on all the Learners in all Organization Units in the system.  Selecting to report on Employees only will report on the individual employee.

  1. Click Next>.

    The New Task Summary Report Template - Options page appears.

  1. Select Report only on Employees who are complete or incomplete.

  2. Click OK.

The template will appear in edit mode under the Task Summary heading.

  1. Type a name for the report template and click <Enter>.

To generate a report from a template

  1. Select a template from under the Task Summary heading in the Report Manager tree.

  2. Right-click on the Template and select Generate Report.
    In the context view, click the Generate button.

  1. (optional) Enter a name for the report in the Title field.

  2. (optional) Enter a description of the report.

  3. Click Generate.

In the context view, a new report appears in the Generated Reports box.  While the report is generating, appears in front of the report name.  This icon changes to a icon once the report is generated.

To view a generated report

  1. Select a template from under the Task Summary heading in the Report Manager tree.

  2. In the context view, select the report and click View.