Interpret Requalification Report |
The main purpose of a Requalification Report is to obtain information on which Tasks are going to reach a status of About to Elapse or Elapsed by a certain date. This would likely be used by Training Coordinators as a tool in the planning of future courses.
This report is unique in that it does not show page breaks the same way as the other reports. Rather than simply scrolling down through a report, you may have to scroll both across and down this report. This is determined by the number of Org Units/ Employees are selected, and how many Tasks are selected for those Employees. In the above example, only one Organization Unit was selected (containing 24 Employees), and 15 Tasks were selected (each containing both Knowledge and Capability Components). Using a letter-sized report layout, the maximum number of components that can be displayed across is approximately 15. Therefore, this report ends up being 2 pages wide. Had this report comprised of more than one Organization Unit of the same approximate size (24x2), and the same Tasks, this report would be 2 pages high by 2 pages wide.