Interpret Roles and Permission Sets

In TRACCESS CI, there are six possible roles for employees.  Each role can access specific areas within the system.  In addition, each role has corresponding Permission Sets.  These permission sets dictate what an employee may be able to do within the specific area.  For example:


Area Access within System

Default Permission Set Allows:


My Job

View Process Sets, Processes, Sub Processes and Tasks

View Resources

Take Knowledge Assessments

View/ Request Capability Assessments

Report Manager

Create/ Edit/ Delete Self Qualification Reports


Organization Manager

Set Qualification Dates

Set Task Priority

Set Course Marks

Report Manager

Create/ Edit/ Delete Organization Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Qualification Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Task Summary Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Summary Reports

Operational Administrator

Organization Manager

Create Organization Units

Create Employees (both Learners and Management)

Assign Learning to Organization Units

Report Manager

Create/ Edit/ Delete Activity Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Organization Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Qualification Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Task Summary Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Summary Reports


Report Manager

Create/ Edit/ Delete Activity Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Organization Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Qualification Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Task Summary Reports

Create/ Edit/ Delete Summary Reports

Subject Matter Expert

Process Manager

Create/ Edit/ Delete Process Sets, Processes, Sub Processes and Tasks

Add/ Create Capability Assessments

Add/ Create Knowledge Assessments

Add/ Create Resources

Set Revised Dates on Knowledge/ Capability Components

System Owner

Has access to all functions within the entire system (with the exception of My Job)


Configuring Permission Sets

TRACCESS CI is installed with the following role/permission set pairs by default.  These can be accessed through the Tools/ Role Permission Sets in the main menu.  The default permission sets can be modified, but cannot be deleted.


Within TRACCESS, Roles and Permission Sets are used by different roles to achieve different purposes: