In previous versions of TRACCESS, if a Learner locked him/ herself out of a Knowledge Assessment, they had to have their qualification dates cleared by the Supervisor. Locking of the Knowledge Assessment occurred if a Learner took a Final Assessment the maximum number of times, without successfully passing the Assessment.
The concept of locking yourself out of a Knowledge Assessment is still the same in TRACCESS CI, but the solution is quite different. In the past, if the maximum number of tries for a Final Assessment was set to 5, and the supervisor cleared the learner's qualification dates, the learner may actually have successfully completed the assessment after 8 tries, but their status history would show a value of 3. In TRACCESS CI, the Task can have a maximum number of Final Assessment tries, but if the learner locks themself out, their Supervisor can grant them Extra Final Assessment Retries. This way, the actual number of tries that it takes for a Learner to successfully complete the Knowledge Assessment is recorded in the Task History.
Before granting extra final assessment retries to a Learner, you may wish to investigate why this Learner has been locked out of their assessment. Generally, this means that there is a problem:
the resource and assessment questions may not contain the same information
the assessment question may be improperly worded
an incorrect answer may be set as the correct answer in the assessment editor
the Learner may not be using all of the tools available to him/ her in order to successfully pass the test (may not be accessing the resources, may not be attempting practice assessment first, etc).
In any case, attempt to address the problem before granting extra retries.
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