Name - This is the name of the URL Resource. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the URL Resource. This can be done using a validation expression in the Object Definitions dialog.
Description - an optional field that can be used to search for contents of the URL resource
Category/ Sub Category - each resource (URL, Course, TRACCable) can be sorted into smaller classifications of Category and Sub Category. If you would like to see sample Categories and Sub Categories, they can be found in the last worksheet of the Default Configuration Settings document.
URL - the address of the resource.
Launch External - if you wish the resource to open in a separate window, and not in the context view of the TRACCESS window.
Protected Content - this field is only ever set to Yes if you have chosen to have your database hosted by TTG Systems. Setting this to Yes allows for your content to be protected over the internet.