The only roles that have access to the Organization menu are the System Owners and Subject Matter Experts.
New/ Process Set - when a Process Set (or the main Processes heading) is selected, a new Process Set can be created. A Process Set is a container that can contain as many other Process Sets required to mimic a folder structure in Windows Explorer.
New/ Process - when a Process Set is selected, a new Process can be created. A process is the level that is assigned to Organization Units, and contains Sub Processes, Tasks, Resources and Assessments.
New/ Derived Process (formerly known as Collection or Process View) - if you wish to make a subset of a current Process, where you choose to hide certain sub processes and tasks, you can create a derived process. This option is available when a Process Set is selected, and calls up the Select Base Process dialog. This means that you will select the Process that will act as your Master process, and wherever you accessed the dialog (your current location - within a Process Set), is where the Derived Process will be created.
A somewhat simpler way of creating a Derived Process is to Copy the Process you wish to use as the Master Process, and select the Paste as Derived Process option where you wish to store the Derived Process.
New/ Sub Process (formerly known as Row) - when a Process is selected, a new Sub Process can be created. A sub process is the object that holds the Tasks (the piece that is measured and recorded in the TRACCESS database.
New/ Task (formerly known as Folder) - when a Sub Process is selected, a new Task can be created. A Task can contain Resources, a SCORM Resource, a Knowledge Assessment and a Capability Assessment. This is the piece that is measured and that is recorded in the TRACCESS database. An example of a Task is "Start Up Equipment X", "Operate Equipment X", "Shut Down Equipment X", or "Troubleshoot Equipment X"
New/ Task with Levels - when a Sub Process is selected, a new Task with Levels can be created. A Task with Levels can contain a set number of Competence Levels (by default, this value is 3). The names of the Competence Levels are globally set, and are Basic, Skilled and Mastery by default. Each competence level can have its own resources, a SCORM resource, a Knowledge Assessment and a Capability Assessment.
For the following assessment items, please note that a task can only have a single Knowledge Assessment and a single Capability Assessment.
New/ Capability Assessment - when a Task is selected, a new Capability Assessment can be created. This serves as the checklist that a Supervisor/ Operational Administrator can use to ensure that the Learner has satisfied the practical or hands-on component of the Task.
New/ ASSESS Capability Assessment - when a Task is selected a new Capability Assessment can be created. The ASSESS (Perception QuestionMark) Capability Assessment serves as an assessment that is written focusing on the Employee's accomplishments. For example, "The employee was able to ..."
New/ Knowledge Assessment - when a Task is selected, a new Knowledge Assessment can be created. The internal Knowledge Assessment can contain True/ False, Yes/ No, Multiple Choice and Multiple Response question types.
New/ ASSESS Knowledge Assessment - when a Task is selected, a new ASSESS Knowledge Assessment can be created. The ASSESS Knowledge Assessment can contain up to 20 different question types, but is dependent on your company having purchased an Perception QuestionMark license.
New/ SCORM Knowledge Assessment - when a Task is selected, a new SCORM resource can be attached as the Knowledge Assessment.
New/ SCORM Resource - when a Task is selected, a new SCORM resource can be attached as a stand-alone SCORM resource.
New/ Resources/ URL - when the Resources heading is selected, a URL Resource can be attached to the Task. A URL resource can point to any file required. If your company has migrated their database from a previous version of TRACCESS, all of your resources will likely be URL Resources.
New/ Resources/ Course - when the Resources heading is selected, a Course resource can be attached to the Task. A Course resource is simply information on a course, that can subsequently be used as a reference of how the competency on a particular Task was achieved. In the Task History, completions set using the Set Course Marks function will be tagged as completed based on a course.
New/ Resources/ TRACCable - when the Resources heading is selected, a TRACCable resource can be attached to a Task. A TRACCable resource differs from a regular URL resource in a few ways: the TRACCable resource contains statuses mimicking Task statuses: incomplete, complete and revised. These states can be toggled by either simply marking the resource as complete (if the resource does not contain an assessment), or successfully completing an attached ASSESS (Perception QuestionMark) Resource Assessment.
Add/ Remove/ Employee - when the Management heading (under a Process Set or Process) in the Process Manager is selected, you can create a Subject Matter Expert in charge of maintaining all contained material. This employee will then have Process Manager in their main screen of TRACCESS, and only see those Process Sets/ Processes that they have been assigned.
Add/ Remove/ Task - when the Sub Process is selected, an existing Task can be added to the current location. For this reason, it is recommended to classify your Tasks using some sort of naming convention. In this way, if you decided to use COR, FIN, OPS, MTS as prefixes for your Tasks, this dialog would sort all of your tasks in their specific areas. If you were looking for a corporate task, you would concentrate on the CORs, etc.
Add/ Remove/ Prerequisites - when a Task is selected, an existing Task can be used as a Prerequisite. Not all Tasks contain prerequisites, but it may be a useful feature in certain cases to ensure that certain Tasks are completed in a set order.
Add/ Remove/ Owners - if your configuration has more than one person set as Subject Matter Experts, you may wish to tag each task with specific owners, and subsequently set the Role Permission Set function permission for a Subject Matter Expert to disable a function called "Edit All Tasks (Owner Override)". In this way, only Task owners would have the right to manipulate the information within a Task, even if they have access to that Task (using the Add/ Remove Tasks function, or if they happen to be Subject Matter Experts over the main process).
Add/ Remove/ Resources - when the Resources heading is selected, a dialog similar to the Add/ Remove Tasks is accessed. For accessibility, it may be useful to add prefixes in front of Resource names to facilitate retrieval of these resources based on area (or some other measure).
Show Task - when a previously-hidden task is selected within a Derived Process, this option allows you to show the task.
Hide Task - when a task is selected within a Derived Process, this option allows you to hide the task.
Break Inheritance - Derived Processes are tagged with the name of the Process that is being used as its base process. Selecting to Break Inheritance essentially cuts this tie to another process, and the resultant process appears as if it was created from scratch. Once inheritance is broken, the SME can choose to modify any task properties (that was not allowed when the inheritance link still existed).