Organization Units are groups of Employees with a common learning goal. You can create and modify Employees, and group them into Units in the Organization Manager. You can also assign Processes and Employee roles from the Organization Manager.
From the Organization Manager, you can
create Organization Units
create Employees
add Employees to Organization Units
add and remove Employee roles
assign learning
The Organization Manager displays the Organization Units tree and all of its Units and Employees. Clicking on a Unit in the Organization Manager will display all of the Assigned Learning for that Unit in the right-hand Context view. Unit settings will display in the Properties pane.
You can access the tools and functions within the tree by selecting the Unit or Employee and choosing from the main menu or the right-click menus.
Finally, beneath the Organization Units tree, is the System Owners tree, where you can view all of the System Owners that have been created.
There are several keystrokes that can be used to navigate the Organization Manager tree:
Up Arrow and Down Arrow — moves up or down within the tree
Left Arrow and Right Arrow — expands/ collapses the current selection
<F2> key — places the object in edit mode (Does not apply to read-only fields)
* (star) key — expands all objects under the current object
There is also drag and drop capability for each tree, so that you can move, add, and copy items.