Search for Objects

As an assigned employee of the system, you are able to search for objects in the area(s) that you have access to.  For example, an employee with a learner role can search for Process Sets, Processes, Sub Processes, Tasks, Tasks with Levels and Resources from the My Job tree.  An employee with an Operational Administrator role can search for Organization Units and Employees from the Organization Manager.

There are two methods available to search:  basic and advanced.  Regardless of the method chosen, there are a few properties that are shared between these methods:

To view a copy of a spreadsheet containing all searchable objects, their properties and sample searches for each object, click here.

Basic Search

The basic search allows you to search for objects by simply entering a keyword.  Please note that this is an exact search that is looking for particular information in each field.  For example, if you are looking for an Employee named Beatrice Agnew, and you enter "Beatrice Agnew" as the search term, your search results will locate nothing.  This is because in the Basic Search for an Employee, TRACCESS is searching separately in the First Name and Last Name field.  "Beatrice" could be found in the First Name field, and "Agnew" could be found in the Last Name field, but "Beatrice Agnew" would not be found in either.

Advanced Search

The advanced search allows you to create search filters on the properties of several objects.  For example, Account Created On is a property of an Employee, and you can indicate an exact date, or before/ after a date.  The advanced search also allows you to create more than one filter, then state whether it is a "match all" or "match any" search.

You may also wish to Search using Regular Expressions.  For more information, see Interpret Regular Expressions.

Basic Search
  1. Select Tools/ Search from the main menu.

The Search dialog appears.

  1. Select the Object Type from the dropdown box.
  1. Enter the Search Text.
  1. Check the fields you would like to Search in.
  2. Click Search.

The Search Results dialog will be populated.

  1. Highlight the desired Search Result, and click Locate.

The program will navigate to the selected Search Result.

Advanced Search
  1. Select Tools/ Search from the main menu.

The Search dialog appears.

  1. Click the Advanced tab.
  2. Select the Object Type from the dropdown box.

The Search Filters dialog appears.

Depending on the Object and Property selected, you may see either two or three dropdown fields to populate.  For example, when the Employee Object/ Account Created On Property/ Exists Comparison is selected, there is no need for a Value field.  However, a filter of Employee Object/ Account Created On Property/ Before Comparison requires you to enter a Date value.

  1. Create search filter(s), by selecting desired Properties, Comparisons and Values (where applicable).
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select whether you wish to Match All or Match Any filters.

The Match All option is selected by default.  Therefore, if you have more than one filter created, this indicates that you wish to only retrieve results that match all of the filters that have been set.

  1. Click Search.

The Search Results dialog will be populated.

  1. Highlight the desired Search Result, and click Locate.

The program will navigate to the selected Search Result.


