Edit and Customize TRACCESS Today Settings

To edit TRACCESS Today News & Links:

  1. Select Tools > TRACCESS Today Settings. A dialog box appears.

  1. Click on an Org Unit name from the tree in the right pane, and click on the checkbox to enable the News and Links for this Org Unit.

  2. Select a language from the "Select Language to Edit" dropdown menu, located in the right pane.

  3. Click on the "News" or "Links" tab, depending on which you want to edit. You can toggle between these two tabs without losing your changes.

  4. Type your text into the Rich Text Field, or copy and paste your text from an external text editor. For additional help, visit the Interpret RTF page.

  5. Use the toolbar to format your text or to insert images.

  6. Click the "Apply" button to save your settings or the "OK" button to save your settings and close the dialog box.


Additional help:

Detailed description of the TRACCESS Today Settings: Interpret TRACCESS Today Settings