When you click on a task, the task properties are displayed on the left, and the Description box, Resources tab, Task Notes tab (if applicable), and Relationships tab are displayed on the right in the context view.
When you right-click on a task in the Process Manager, a menu appears with a number of options.
Remove - takes away the Task assignment to this Sub Process. This same task will remain in its other Process Set/ Process/ Sub Process structures elsewhere in the database. If it does not happen to reside anywhere else, this task will become Unassigned.
Add Capability Assessment - adds a Capability Assessment node beneath the Task name, and opens the internal Capability Assessment context view/ manager. At this point, the Subject Matter Expert can enter Actions/ Action Details to create a Capability Assessment Sign Off form.
ASSESS Capability/ Knowledge Assessment - adds an ASSESS Capability
Assessment node beneath the Task name. All editing of these
types of assessments is completed within the Perception QuestionMark
software. At this point, to link an ASSESS Capability Assessment
to TRACCESS, you must enter the Identifier Number for the Assessment,
as well as the ASSESS URL (or the location of the ASSESS database).
The differences between the creation of an ASSESS Knowledge and Capability
assessment is that
Capability questions are written for the supervisor to answer on behalf of the learner. Knowledge Assessment questions are written for the Learner to answer.
TRACCESS allows two different tests to be added for the Knowledge Component (Practice and Final Assessments). The Capability only has a single assessment to attach.
The results of the Capability Assessment can be viewed by way of a Coaching report. There is no parallel to the Coaching report in the Knowledge component.
Add SCORM Knowledge Assessment/ Resource - a SCORM Module can be added in two ways to a Task, as the knowledge assessment component itself, or as a Resource that may/ may not satisfy the testing component.
If the SCORM is linked
as a Knowledge Assessment, learners would access their SCORM module
in the same way that they would access their other Knowledge Assessments
- by clicking on the button.
If the SCORM is linked
as a Resource, learners would access their SCORM module by clicking
on the button.
Remove Owners - Since more than one Subject Matter Expert can
be assigned to the same Process, an Owner(s) can be assigned to a
particular Task. If an Owner is assigned to a particular Process,
only that person can change the properties of the Task.
Click the button choose
from a list of employees to assign as a Task Owner.
There are two exceptions to this rule:
1. In the Role Permissions for a Subject Matter Expert (Tools/ Role Permission Sets), there is an option of Edit All Tasks (Owner Override). If this function is enabled, all SMEs that have access to the Task will be able to modify it.
2. A System Owner has rights to everything in the system, regardless of this setting.
Remove Prerequisites - as with many "things to do",
completion of a task may depend on acquiring knowledge of another
task. If this is the case, a Prerequisite Task(s) can be assigned
to each Task.
Click the button choose
from a list of Tasks to assign as a Task Prerequisite.
Name - in TRACCESS, all Task names must be unique.
Allow Knowledge Reassessment - if the knowledge component of a task does not contain a duration, completing the knowledge assessment once should have it remain complete (unless the material becomes revised). However, if the knowledge component of a task contains a duration, the concept of the duration itself is having to re-qualify on a task from time to time. If the "Allow Knowledge Reassessment" is set to No, this will disallow learners from retaking a final Knowledge Assessment if the knowledge component is already in its Complete state. In this case, "Complete" includes both the Complete (Black Component with Black Clock), and About to Elapse (Black Component with Red Clock) states.
Since the previous versions of TRACCESS CI did allow for knowledge reassessment, the default state for tasks is set to Yes. However, if you wish to make use of this functionality - disallowing learners from "accidentally" resetting their Knowledge components to incomplete, you may wish to set the default to No for all future Tasks. This is done using the Object Definitions dialog, selecting the Task object, and changing the default value in the Defaults tab.
Please note: If a Task does have this setting as No, a Learner will not be able to requalify on tasks that are About to Elapse until they actually Elapse. Therefore, if you have an Event set up that warns people XX number of days prior to a duration lapse, they may not be able to rectify the situation until the task actually goes white. In this case, you may choose to set your Event timing with a warning that is sufficiently small or at 0 days, or not set the Allow Knowledge Reassessment to No.
Knowledge/ Capability Revision Date - when something within a task changes, several things need to happen. The resource must be revised. The knowledge and capability assessments must be updated to test on the revisions, and the date the changes come into effect must be set in these fields. For those employees who had previously completed the task, they will be notified of this change in potentially three ways: they will receive an email message, their revised task will appear in their Critical Tasks section of TRACCESS Today (under the Revised Tasks), and a part of their Qualification Summary section (their Pie) may turn red. For those who had never completed the task before, they will simply be presented the new information when they study the task.
Has Knowledge/ Capability Component - By default, when you first add a Task to the system, it will be white. However, you may wish to change these settings to Has Knowledge/ Capability Component to No, and this way the Task will be grey (or under construction). This way, you will know that you still have to add the assessment components as long as the Task is grey.
Has SCORM Resource
Notes - This is an RTF field that can be used as a bulletin
board of all of the changes that have happened to a Task. For
Mar 21, 2006 Task Created
Mar 25, 2006 Resources Added
June 1, 2006 Knowledge Assessment Added
Jan 30, 2007 Resources Revised/ Knowledge Assessment Questions
Modified/ Knowledge Revision Date Set
If the Task does not contain any notes, the Notes tab will not appear
in the Context View.
Please Note: Task Notes apply to the Task in general and are not specific to individual Employees.
Knowledge/ Capability Duration Setting - By default, when you first add a Task to the system, it will be white. However, you may wish to change these settings to Has Knowledge/ Capability Component to No, and this way the Task will be grey (or under construction). This way, you will know that you still have to add the assessment components as long as the Task is grey.
Credits - As with High School or Post Secondary Courses, you may attribute a credit value to each of the Tasks in the system. A person is attributed that number of credits based on a completion status.
Hours of Training Credit - some tasks may be measured in Credits, but others may be measured in hours. Certain tasks require a certain number of hours to be completed in particular disciplines in order to gain certification.
Hours to Learn Task - if a Learner was allotted a certain number of hours for training, this particular field may be useful to know. In most cases, when a task is equivalent to taking a course, the time it takes to learn the task and the duration of the course are the same. However, there may be some cases where you are required some practice time over and above the course hours. This field could be used to capture this information.
When a task is selected from the Process Manager tree, the context view displays the task name, Description box, Resources tab, Task Notes tab (if applicable), and Relationships tab. Note: The Task Notes tab will only appear if the task has notes.
Every object in the database, such as a task, contains a description field that can be used to make the task name more descriptive, but it can also be left blank. The description is edited from the Properties when a task is selected.
The Relationships tab identifies all resources that are attached to the selected task. A task can contain as many resources as required to complete the task, and resources can exist in any file type. Right-clicking on the Resources heading, which appears below the task name in the Process Manager tree, allows you to select from an existing list of Resources or create Course, Document, Help File, or URL resources.
Resources can also be assigned categories and subcategories, which are used to sort the resources. If a resource is not assigned to either a category or subcategory, it is displayed in a flat list.
Categories and subcategories are added to the system by accessing their corresponding dialogs (Resource Categories/Resource Subcategories) through the Tools/ System Options/ Task Tab.
A Task Notes tab will appear only if notes have been added to a selected task. Task Notes are edited in the Properties section when a task is selected.
Prerequisites - Displays the prerequisite task(s) required to complete the selected task. Click Add/Remove to add and remove prerequisites from a task.
Owners - Displays the owner(s) of the task. The name of the SME who created the task will appear. If a System Owner created the task, a name will not appear. Click Add/Remove to add and remove owners.
Tasks to Auto-Complete - Displays the tasks that will be automatically completed once the selected task is complete. The task may provide auto-complete for Knowledge, Capability, or both by clicking on the checkboxes under the Auto-Completion box. Click Add/Remove to add and remove Auto-Completion tasks.
Auto-Completed by - Displays the tasks that would auto-complete the currently selected task (if applicable).
Additional Help:
Interpret Tasks to Auto-Complete
Add or Remove Auto-Complete Tasks