System Options Return to Defaults Worksheet
Select Language to Edit English
System Label TRACCESS CI
Help URL http://help.traccessci.com/8.4/English
Start Page Main
Employee ID/ Password Can Match
Minimum Password Length 0
Session Timeout (minutes) 120
History Tracking
Activity History
Export Summarized Learning Records enabled
Import Employees enabled
Import Learning Records enabled
Invalid Login enabled
Open Resource enabled
Resume Final Assessment enabled
Save Final Assessment enabled
SCORM Resource Launched enabled
Session Logout enabled
Session Timeout enabled
Start ASSESS Capability Assessment enabled
Start Final Assessment enabled
Start Practice Assessment enabled
Successful Login enabled
Activity History can be purged after __ months 12
Qualification History
Tracking enabled
Qualification History can be purged after ___ months 36
Data Change History
Employee enabled
Organization Unit enabled
Process enabled
Process Set enabled
Sub Process enabled
Task enabled
Task with Levels enabled
Elapse Warning Period 30 days
Enforce Prerequisites disabled
Resource Categories Practical Skills Development, Formal Training
Resource Subcategories Job Experience, Industry Course, Assigned Reading, Demonstrated Capability
Competence Levels Labels Basic, Skilled, Mastery
Language Settings Font Family - Arial, Code - Eng, Precedence - 1
Online Assessments
Retry Delay 0
Maximum Saved Assessments 1
Enable Employee Task Events disabled
Maximum Reports per Employee 10
Show My Job Summary disabled
Show Quick Links disabled
Show TRACCESS News disabled
Show Qualification Summary disabled
Allow Activity Milestone Emails disabled
Data Warehouse
Capture Interval None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually
Capture Priority Language English
Run Time 0:00:00
Start Day 0
Data Provider Type Same as Main Project
Database Connect String
Fail Handling
Failure Email
Retry Count 2
Retry Delay 0:10:00
Log File Language English
Log File Name QDWHLog.log
TRACCESS Today Settings
News is proud to announce the release of their newest version of software
Links (blank)
Object Definitions Return to Defaults Worksheet Allow Advanced Searching Enable for Report Filtering and Display Actual Report Filtering Actual Display Properties
ASSESS Capability Assessment
ASSESS URL The address of the Perception QuestionMark database. This address is always in the format http://…/q4/session.dll. The same address will be used for the TRACCable Resource, ASSESS Knowledge Assessment and Assess Capability Assessment. http://servername/q4/session.dll
ASSESS Report URL http://servername/em4/Reporting/CapAssess/view.asp
Revision Date
Online "Indicates that the ASSESS Capability Assessment is ready to be viewed by Learners, and completed by their Supervisors.
In order to be put online, the Task must have the Has Capability Component set to Yes."
Sign Off Requirement This is either Management (which can be either a Supervisor, Operational Administrator or System Owner) or an Expert. In most cases, the Supervisor will be sufficient. When a specific procedure must be signed off, a particular person's name can be specified as the only one who can sign off of the practical component. This is known as Expert Only sign-off. "Expert Only
Passmark This is the value or grade that is required to pass the capability component.
Description This is an optional field whose text can be used to search for a particular Capability Assessment.
ASSESS ID This is the number that is found in the Assessments View of Perception QuestionMark. When a specific Assessment is selected, the Assessment ID is equal to the Identifier Number.
ASSESS Knowledge Assessment
Online "Indicates that the ASSESS Knowledge Assessment is ready to be accessed by Learners.
In order to be put online, the Task must have the Has Knowledge Component set to Yes." No
Passmark % This is the value or grade that is required to pass the knowledge component. 100
Maximum Final Attempts A Learner has this many attempts at the Final Assessment of the Knowledge component. If they are unable to achieve the passmark in this many attempts, they become "locked out" of the Final Assessment, and must request additional attempts from their Supervisor/ Operational Administrator. 3
Description This is an optional field whose text can be used to search for a particular Knowledge Assessment.
ASSESS URL The address of the Perception QuestionMark database. This address is always in the format http://…/q4/session.dll. The same address will be used for the TRACCable Resource, ASSESS Knowledge Assessment and Assess Capability Assessment. http://servername/q4/session.dll
ASSESS ID - Final This is the number that is found in the Assessments View of Perception QuestionMark. When a specific Assessment is selected, the Assessment ID is equal to the Identifier Number.
ASSESS ID - Practice This is the number that is found in the Assessments View of Perception QuestionMark. When a specific Assessment is selected, the Assessment ID is equal to the Identifier Number.
Capability Assessment
External URL If your company already has forms that are used for signing off the capability or practical component of a Task, this is the address of where a blank copy of that form resides. The supervisor will have the opportunity to Submit Pass or Submit Fail - but will not have the opportunity to add comments to particular actions.
Use External Form If your company already has forms that are used for signing off the capability or practical component of a Task, this field must be set to Yes, in order to indicate the address where the form resides. No
Revision Date
Online "Indicates that the Capability Assessment is ready to be viewed by Learners, and completed by their Supervisors.
In order to be put online, the Task must have the Has Capability Component set to Yes."
Sign Off Requirement This is either Management (which can be either a Supervisor, Operational Administrator or System Owner) or an Expert. In most cases, the Supervisor will be sufficient. When a specific procedure must be signed off, a particular person's name can be specified as the only one who can sign off of the practical component. This is known as Expert Only sign-off. "Expert Only
Capability Assessment Action
Description This is one of the only Description field that is not optional. It is the Action that a supervisor will be looking for, and signing off on, during a Capability Assessment signoff. New Action
Details If the Capability Assessment Action (or Description) requires extra text or steps, they are entered as Details of the Action. These will appear below the Action, and can be formatted as required.
Competence Level
Name By default, the Competence Level names are Basic, Skilled and Mastery. If the System Owner chooses, these names can be changed in the System Options/ Language/ Competence Level Labels.
Description This is an optional field whose text can be used to search for a particular Competence Level.
Knowledge Revision Date If a resource undergoes a revision, a knowledge assessment question should be added to test learners on the content of the change. Once this is done, setting the knowledge revision date will turn the knowledge component to red for those Learners who had previously completed the knowledge assessment. After setting this date, the SME has the option of sending a message to these learners - apprising them of the change. This message is sent to the learners' inbox (the one that has been entered in the employee profile).
Capability Revision Date If a resource undergoes a revision, a capability assessment action may be added to test learners on the content of the change. Once this is done, setting the capability revision date will turn the capability component to red for those Learners who had previously completed the Capability Assessment. After setting this date, the SME has the option of sending a message to these Learners - apprising them of the change. This message is sent to the Learners' inbox (the one that has been entered in the employee profile).
Has Knowledge Component "When a Task is initially entered into the system, it contains neither a Knowledge nor a Capability Assessment. To acquire a particular understanding of a Task, you must either complete a theoretical component (Knowledge) or a practical component (Capability). Once you have added the appropriate resources, and the corresponding Knowledge or Capability Assessment, this property must be set to Yes in order to put the component online.
A Task with neither a Knowledge nor a Capability component appears grey." Yes
Has Capability Component "When a Task is initially entered into the system, it contains neither a Knowledge nor a Capability Assessment. To acquire a particular understanding of a Task, you must either complete a theoretical component (Knowledge) or a practical component (Capability). Once you have added the appropriate resources, and the corresponding Knowledge or Capability Assessment, this property must be set to Yes in order to put the component online.
A Task with neither a Knowledge nor a Capability component appears grey." Yes
Has SCORM Resource No
Task Notes "This is a Rich Text field that can be used as a ""Bulletin Board"" of the history of the Task. For example, you may wish to enter something like:
Feb 2001 - Task Created
March 2001 - Resource ""X"" Added
March 2001 - Knowledge Assessment Added
May 2001 - Capability Assessment Added, etc."
Knowledge Duration Setting "In the 7.x series of TRACCESS, duration was simply measured in days, and meant that once someone completed a component, they had XX number of days to recertify on the component.
In CI, this is still the case, but an SME is also able to indicate a fixed date duration at which time the Task will expire.
On a single component, either number of days or fixed date duration can be used - but on a Task, there can be a number of days duration on one component, and a fixed date duration on the other." None
Capability Duration Setting "In the 7.x series of TRACCESS, duration was simply measured in days, and meant that once someone completed a component, they had XX number of days to recertify on the component.
In CI, this is still the case, but an SME is also able to indicate a fixed date duration at which time the Task will expire.
On a single component, either number of days or fixed date duration can be used - but on a Task, there can be a number of days duration on one component, and a fixed date duration on the other." None
Credits "Similar to university courses, a particular Task may be given a credit property. Completion of the Task means that the Learner has obtained the number of credits attributed to the Task.
Please note: Credits are only given to a complete Task. If a Task is revised or elapses, it is no longer considered complete, and therefore the credits disappear." 0
Hours of Training Credit 0
Hours to Learn Task 0
Course Resource
Name New Course Resource
Description This is an optional field whose text can be used to search for a particular Course.
Provides Capability Course Resources are generally created for external courses, or those that are not completed within TRACCESS. Specific courses are meant to provide different objectives. For example, a Chemicals Handling course would undoubtedly cover a practical or hands-on component, and would therefore Provide Capability.
Provides Knowledge Course Resources are generally created for external courses, or those that are not completed within TRACCESS. Specific courses are meant to provide different objectives. For example, a Alcohol and Drug Awareness course would undoubtedly cover a theoretical component, and would therefore Provide Knowledge.
Category None
Sub Category None
Pass Mark
Course Code
First Name This is a fairly self-explanatory field. It has not been set as a mandatory field when creating a New Employee for cultural reasons.
Last Name
Employee ID This is the "login ID", or that which is used to enter TRACCESS. You will often require this, along with a password in order to enter the system. For this reason, the Employee ID must be unique to distinguish between individuals.
Password When viewing the Password field from the Properties of the Organization Manager, it is viewed as *****. This will appear the same for everyone. To reset someone's password, click on the arrow to the right of the field, and either delete the ***s that appear, or assign a simple password, and set the Must Change Password for this Employee to Yes.
Email Address "An Employee's email address is important for several features of TRACCESS CI to function correctly. This address can either be a corporate email address, or a personal email address.
The following functions depend on email to operate properly:
Scheduling - Activity Email Milestones
Knowledge/ Capability Revisions - receiving messages from a supervisor
Events - being told to login to TRACCESS when a Task is about to elapse
Messaging - receiving general messages from Supervisors, Operational Administrators, SMEs, or System Owners
Feedback - receiving messages from Learners if you are their Supervisor or a Task Owner"
Default Language "If your system has been set up with pass-through authentication (you do not see the login screen. After logging in to the network, you can access TRACCESS by clicking on the appropriate icon. In order for the system to know which language to open for you, each Employee's default language must be set.
By default, this is set to English, and will not matter unless your installation contains languages in addition to English." English
Employee Number If your company uses employee numbers, you can make use of this field. It can subsequently be used to sort information using an advanced search or it can be specified in reports.
Picture This is the only image field. (none)
Account Status "This field can either be active or inactive. Most of your current employees would be set as active. An inactive account was designed to be used for employees that are currently on leave, but intending to return. An example of this would be maternity leave or short-term disability.
The purpose of making someone inactive is to prevent their names from showing up on reports during their absense.
Some companies may have used this field to indicate people who are no longer with the company, with no intentions of returning. In this case, TTG suggests using the Archive functionality - that removes those employees from your Org structure, with the possibility of restoring their records if/ when required." Active
Can Change Password In certain cases, a particular employee may be prone to losing their password. If so, the Supervisor or Operational Administrator may wish to set this field to No, keeping a copy of their password. When the password is lost, they simply have to contact their manager to retrieve it. Yes
Must Change Password "When an Employee is first created in the system, a checkbox at the botton of the New Employee dialog sets this field to Yes.
Once this Employee changes their password, this field automatically resets to No, and they will not be required to change their password at the subsequent login." No
Password Duration "Certain companies have chosen to synchronize the change of their network password with the change of a TRACCESS password. This can be accomplished using this field.
Please Note: Since employees may not login to TRACCESS on a daily basis, the ""timer"" is reset when the employee changes their password - not on a particular date. It may be difficult to completely synchronize network password changes with TRACCESS password changes." 0
Failed Login Attempts When an Employee logs in to TRACCESS, if there has been a failed login attempt, they will receive a message stating as much after they successfully login. In most cases, this will be obvious. ("Oh yeah, I kept typing my password wrong" … or … "I was using my previous password"). However, if this is not the case, and the error message still appears, you may wish to see who has been attempting to login under your Employee ID. 0
Last Successful Login In most cases, this field is used by supervisors or operational administrators. They may wish to see who has been using the system and when they were in the system last.
Account Created On This date is automatically generated by the system when a new Employee is created. It will always appear as Read-Only.
Password Changed Date This is the last date that the employee's password was changed.
Maximum Reports Override Each employee is allowed to keep XX number of generated reports - not to be confused with Report Templates that are unlimited. By default, this number is 10 and is set in the System Options/ Reports tab. For the majority of Employees (who are Learners and only have access to self reports), this value should be sufficient. However, for certain members of management who are charged with generating frequent reports, you may wish to assign a number in this field. This means that they have access to the default number, plus this value. 0
Primary Process "If a Learner is not assigned a Primary Process, all of the Processes that they have access to through their Organization Unit assignments appear in My Job in a flat list.
If a Learner is assigned a Primary Process, this Process will be indicated with a different icon, and the Process will appear expanded in the context view, or the right side, of the screen."
Preferred Paper Type "To accommodate for all regions of the world, each employee can have their preferred paper type set.
If your company is located in a region that uses A4, you may wish to reset the default paper type in the Object Definitions to A4." 8 1/2 x 11, A4
Employee/ Task Relationship
Qualification Status
Priority "A high priority task is indicated with a red underline. A high priority task is person-specific, and not task-specific. In other words, a task may be high priority for some, and not for others.
Please note: Although you are able to set a Task as high priority for an entire Organization Unit, this does not mean that the high priority property has been set on the Organization Unit. It simply tags all current members of the group. Any new member that is added to the Organization Unit after the high priority has been set will come in as normal priority." "Normal
Capability Qualification Date "This is the date that the Learner ""qualified"" or completed the capability component. This date can be set in several ways:
- by the Learner - passing the final assessment in a SCORM resource, that was set to Provide Capability
- by the Supervisor - completing a Capability Assessment
- by the Supervisor - setting a satisfactory course mark, for a course resource that was set to Provides Capability
- by the Supervisor - manually ""granting a pass"", using the Set Qualification Dates function
- by the Supervisor - importing historical Learning Records of previous training"
Knowledge Qualification Date "This is the date that the Learner ""qualified"" or completed the knowledge component. This date can be set in several ways:
- by the Learner - passing a final assessment
- by the Learner - passing the final assessment in a SCORM resource, that was set to Provide Knowledge
- by the Supervisor - setting a satisfactory course mark, for a course resource that was set to Provides Knowledge
- by the Supervisor - manually ""granting a pass"", using the Set Qualification Dates function
- by the Supervisor - importing historical Learning Records of previous training"
Capability Assessed By This is the name of the employee who signed off on the Capability component.
Capability Attempts This is the number of times that the Capability Assessment was submitted by the Supervisor. 0
Knowledge Assessed By This is the name of the employee who signed off on the Knowledge component. If the Learner entered the system and passed the Final Assessment, the Learner's name appears here. If the Supervisor set the Knowledge component as complete for the Learner, the Supervisor's name appears here.
Knowledge Final Assessment Attempts This is the number of times that a Learner took to pass the Final Assessment. In previous versions of TRACCESS, if a Learner became locked out of their Final Assessment, the Supervisor would have to reset their assessment attempts, making this number inaccurate. Now, all attempts made by the Learner will be recorded - regardless of locking themselves out of the test. 0
Capability Last Attempted Date This is the last date that the Supervisor submitted the Capability Assessment for the Learner (whether it was successful or not)
Knowledge Last Attempted Date This is the last date that the Learner submitted a Final Assessment to be graded (whether it was successful or not)
Knowledge Elapse Date If there is a duration on the component, and the component has been completed (but is not yet elapsed), the system will automatically calculate the date that the component will elapse - based on the duration value.
Capability Elapse Date If there is a duration on the component, and the component has been completed (but is not yet elapsed), the system will automatically calculate the date that the component will elapse - based on the duration value.
Knowledge Last Online Assessment % This is the last mark obtained (or recorded by a Supervisor) for a Learner on the Knowledge component. 0
Name This is the name of the Task.
Number of Extra Final Assessment Retries If the Learner is locked out of the Final Assessment (they have tried the Final Assessment the maximum number of attempts for that Task, and still been unsuccessful), the Supervisor can grant them a certain number of extra final assessment attempts. This will affect the value in the Knowledge Final Assessment Attempts field by recording the original maximum number as well as the number of attempts required for successful completion. 0
SCORM Resource Last Accessed This is the last date that the SCORM was accessed by the Learner.
SCORM Final Mark 0
SCORM Tracked Time This is the amount of time that the Learner had the SCORM resource opened during their last accessed session. 0
SCORM Completion Status Unknown
SCORM Success Status Unknown
Capability Last Set By 0
Knowledge Last Set By 0
Knowledge Last Changed Date
Capability Last Changed Date
Priority Last Changed Date
Employee/ TRACCable Resource Relationship
Completion Date This is the date that the Learner either clicked the Mark as Complete button, or successfully completed the resource assessment (if there was an assessment attached). 4/5/2007 17:13
Last Viewed Date This is the last date that the resource was selected. 4/5/2007 17:13
Status A TRACCable Resource can be incomplete (white icon), complete (black icon), or revised (red icon) using much the same principles as with a Task. This way, if there is a change to a Task, the SME can indicate in which resource the change occurred. 1
Mark This is the mark obtained by the Learner on the final assessment. If there is simply a Mark as Complete button, this Mark will remain as 0 with a complete (black) icon. 1
Knowledge Answer
Text This is the text that appears below the Question Description in the tree view of the TRACCESS Knowledge Assessment editor. By default, this text appears as "New Answer" New Answer
Is Correct In TRACCESS CI, you are able to create test questions that are Multiple Response. Therefore, you can have more than one answer as correct. No
Times Chosen
Knowledge Assessment
Order If you wish to have an assessment whose questions are presented in a particular order, your setting must be set to Static. If not, your questions will appear in alphabetical order in the Knowledge Assessment Editor tree, and be randomized when presented. "Random
# of Practice Assessment Questions The number of questions that Learners will see on their Practice Assessment. You may wish to exclude questions (or show less questions) on the Practice Assessment than the Final Assessment, to ensure that the Learners know the material. 0
# of Final Assessment Questions The number of questions that Learners will see on their Final assessment. You may wish to exclude questions (or show less questions) on the Practice Assessment than the Final Assessment, to ensure that the Learners know the material. 0
Allow Assessment to be Saved By default, this is set to No. It is up to the SME's discretion whether or not an assessment is allowed to be saved. If you have a test with a single question, you may wish to leave this set as No. If you have several questions on the test, you may wish to change this to Yes. If you do allow an assessment to be saved, ensure that you set a Saved Assessment Expiry Time - so that saved assessments do not remain valid for long periods of time. No
Online "A knowledge assessment is online when the SME is satisfied that it is ready to be presented to Learners.
To put a knowledge assessment online:
- you should try the assessment to make sure that it works properly
- you must have at least one possible question for both Practice and Final assessments
- you must set the Task/ Has Knowledge Component to Yes
If an SME wished to take an assessment offline afterwards, and a Learner is currently accessing the assessment, the SME will receive a message stating that it cannot be taken offline until all Learners are no longer accessing the assessment."
Last Modified This is the last date that any changes were made to the assessment by an SME.
Saved Assessment Expiry Time This the number of hours that a saved assessment will remain valid after a Learner has saved it. If the Learner only accessed their saved assessment after this time has elapsed, clicking on the Saved Assessment link will present an error message stating that the time has expired, and the link is no longer valid. 0
Passmark % This is the mark required to successfully complete the Final Assessment. 100
Maximum Final Attempts This is the number of times a Learner has to successfully complete the final assessment. 3
Knowledge Assessment Question
Question Description This is a "short description" of the question text. New Question
Question Text This is the text that appears to the Learner when they are taking the test. If someone accidentally changed the Question Description (the text that appears in the tree) and not the Question Text, [Enter Question Text Here] will appear as the question text to the Learner. This is the most commonly made error when creating tests. Enter Question Text Here
Practice Assessment Questions that are entered into the Knowledge Assessment editor must be tagged as one of the 4 options to the right: Not Used, Possible, Mandatory or Requalifier. As soon as you open a new Knowledge Assessment, first check "Use Question Filter" to ensure that all of the questions you are entering do not become "Not Used". "Not Used
Final Assessment Questions that are entered into the Knowledge Assessment editor must be tagged as one of the 4 options to the right: Not Used, Possible, Mandatory or Requalifier. As soon as you open a new Knowledge Assessment, first check "Use Question Filter" to ensure that all of the questions you are entering do not become "Not Used". "Not Used
Answer Order For most questions, you would the answers to be randomized. However, in the case of "All of the Above" or "None of the Above" answers, select Static, and ensure that these answers appear last. Random, Static
Correctness Rule TRACCESS CI is able to create Multiple Choice and Multiple Response questions. Multiple Choice questions are defined as having only one correct answer. Multiple Response questions are defined as having more that one correct answer. When creating Multiple Response questions, first change the Answer Style field to Checkbox, then change this field to All Correct Answers Required. "One Correct Answer Required
All Correct Answers Required"
Answer Style Any question that is Radio select can only have one correct answer. Any question that is Checkbox may have multiple correct answers. Therefore, to create Multiple Response questions, you must select the Answer Style as Checkbox. "Radio Select
Times Asked "The Times Asked, Times Correctly Answered and Times Unanswered fields are used to troubleshoot a question. If several learners are becoming locked out on a particular Task, you may wish to look at these fields for each of the questions on the assessment. If there is a particular question whose ratio of Times Correctly Answered to Times Asked is particularly low, you may consider revising the question. In some cases, the question may have the incorrect answer, it may be poorly worded or confusing, etc. Also, the question may not coincide with the content in the resources.
If you do find that you must revise a question, click the Clear Statistics button to clear these three fields."
Times Correctly Answered
Times Unanswered
Organization Unit
Name This is the name of the Organization Unit. In cases where you have many different business units, and you wish to use a naming convention to classify the Organization Unit, this can be done using a validation in the Object Definitions dialog. New Organization Unit
Name This is the name of the Process. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the Process. This can be done using a validation in the Object Definitions dialog. Process
Inherited Process If the currently-selected Process is a Derived Process, the Inherited Process is the base Process that was used to create this Process.
Process Set
Name This is the name of the Process Set. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the Process Set. This can be done using a validation in the Object Definitions dialog. Process Set
Qualification Data Warehouse Snapshot
ID Each time a Data Warehouse snapshot is taken, it is given an auto-generated number to identify this snapshot from other snapshots. Each piece of information that is generated during a particular snapshot is tagged with this value.
Date This is the date/ time that a Data Warehouse snapshot was taken.
Qualification Record Count
Generation Time
State Complete/ Incomplete
Title New Report
Date Generated
Status "Immediately after clicking OK on the Generate Report dialog, the name of the report appears with a blue wheel on a piece of paper (in the context view. Until the blue wheel disappears, the report is generating and cannot be opened. If there is something wrong with the report you are attempting to generate, the blue wheel changes to a red wheel, indicating that there was an error in the generation of the report.
If the blue wheel disappears, and no red dot appears, the report is ready to be viewed." "Generating
Description This appears onscreen next to the Report Title. If you would like to indicate the difference between the settings of two different generated reports, enter a Description. Otherwise, leave the Description blank.
Sub Title This appears under the Report Title in the header of the generated report. If you would like to indicate the difference between the settings of two different generated reports, enter a Sub Title. Otherwise, leave the Sub Title blank.
Report Template
Name Template
Type The type of report is either one of the integrated reports (listed under Report Type Name), or a Custom Crystal Report. This field cannot be modified.
Author This is the name of the person who selected the parameters when creating the report template.
Date Last Generated This field is particularly important to the Export Report. There is a setting in the Export report that asks whether you want to generate based on changed since the last report. If you indicate Yes, it will only generate the new report based on changes since the date in this field.
Report Type
Name This is the name of the type of report. The integrated report types are: Activity, Data Change History, Export, Organization, Qualification, Qualification (Compact), Requalification, Self Qualification, Self Qualification (Compact), Self Training Information, Summary, Task Completion, Task Summary, and Training Information.
Type The integrated report types are listed above. A Custom Crystal Report is added by a System Owner. Integrated, Custom Crystal Report
SCORM Resource
Original Name
Provides Knowledge No, Yes
Provides Capability No, Yes
Name SCORM Reference
Show Help No, Yes
Show Finish Button No, Yes
Show Course Structure No, Yes
Show Progress Bar No, Yes
Show Navigation Bar No, Yes
Show Title Bar No, Yes
Enable Flow Navigation No, Yes
Enable Choice Navigation No, Yes
Course Structure Width 300
Course Structure Starts Open No, Yes
SCO Launch Type "Frameset
New Window
New Window After Click
New Window Without Browser Toolbar"
Wrap SCO Window with API No, Yes
Player Launch Type "Frameset
New Window
New Window After Click
New Window Without Browser Toolbar"
Prevent Right-Click No, Yes
Prevent Window Resize No, Yes
Status Display "Success Only
Completion Only
Required Width 0
Required Height 0
Require Full Screen No, Yes
Desired Width 500
Desired Height 453
Desire Full Screen No, Yes
Finish Causes Immediate Commit No, Yes
Score Rollup Mode "Score Provided by Course
Average Score of all Units
Average Score of all Units with Scores
Fixed Average"
Score Rollup: Number of Scoring Objects 0
Status Rollup Mode "Status Provided by Course
Complete when all units Complete
Complete when all units Satisfactorily Complete
Complete when Threshold Score is Met
Complete when all Units Complete and Threshold Score is Met"
Status Rollup: Threshold Score for Completion 0
First SCO is a Pre Test No, Yes
Invalid Menu Item Action "Show but Enable Links
Show but Disable Links
Always Flow to First SCO No, Yes
Logout Causes Player Exit No, Yes
Reset Runtime Data Timing "Never
When Exit is Not Suspended
On Each New Sequencing Attempt"
Intermediate Satisfied Logout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Satisfied Normal Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Satisfied Suspend Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Satisfied Timeout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Not Satisfied Logout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Not Satisfied Normal Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Not Satisfied Suspend Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Intermediate Not Satisfied Timeout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Satisfied Logout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Satisfied Normal Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Satisfied Suspend Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Satisfied Timeout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Not Satisfied Logout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Not Satisfied Normal Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Not Satisfied Suspend Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Final Not Satisfied Timeout Action "Exit Course
Exit Course After Confirm
Go to Next SCO
Display Message
Do Nothing"
Communications Commit Frequency 10000
Communications Maximum Failed Submissions 2
Show Review Button No, Yes
ForceTen No, Yes
Review Only if Task Complete No, Yes
Sub Process
Name Sub Process
Name "This is the name of the Task. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the Task. This can be done using a validation in the Object Definitions dialog.
Naming conventions are especially useful in the case of Tasks and Resources. These are the only two objects that can be shared in the system (in other words, they both have an Add/ Remove list that allows you to select one that appears elsewhere in the system)." Task
Knowledge Revision Date "Setting the Knowledge/ Capability Revision Date is the last step to revising a Task. Normally, a revision does not occur unless a Resource has changed. If a resource has changed, the new resource must be saved and attached to the Task, questions or actions must be added to the Knowledge and Capability assessments respectively, an item can be added to the Task note explaining the change, and then the Dates can be set.
After selecting a date with the Calendar and clicking OK, the Task Revision Notification Message appears. This dialog is completely EDITABLE! Add your own comments, and send the message. This message should only go to those learners who have previously completed the Task (and is still black). They will also be notified of the change in their My Job Summary section of the TRACCESS Today screen the next time they login to TRACCESS."
Capability Revision Date
Has Knowledge Component By default, when you first add a Task to the system, it will be white. However, you may wish to change these settings to Has Knowledge/ Capability Component to No, and this way the Task will be grey (or under construction). This way, you will know that you still have to add the assessment components as long as the Task is grey. No, Yes
Has Capability Component No, Yes
Task Notes "This is an RTF field that can be used as a bulletin board of all of the changes that have happened to a Task. For example:
Mar 21, 2006 Task Created
Mar 25, 2006 Resources Added
June 1, 2006 Knowledge Assessment Added
Jan 30, 2007 Resources Revised/ Knowledge Assessment Questions Modified/ Knowledge Revision Date Set"
Has SCORM Resource No
Knowledge Duration Setting The Knowledge/ Capability Duration Settings are not linked, although their overall functionality is the same. This dialog allows you to select from one of three options: No Duration, Number of Days Duration, and Fixed Date Duration. The values in the Knowledge and Capability fields can be the same, but they can also be completely different. None
Capability Duration Setting None
Credits As with High School or Post Secondary Courses, you may attribute a credit value to each of the Tasks in the system. A person is attributed that number of credits based on a completion status.
Hours of Training Credit
Hours to Learn Task
Task Export Category
Name Task Export Categories are only required if you are exporting summarized learning records to be imported into an ERP or HRIS system. This is done by selecting Tools/ Task Export Categories from the main menu. Export Category
Task with Levels
Name Task
Has Levels By default, a Task with Levels is set to have 3 levels. However, you may wish to add a Task to the system using the Task with Levels, and this particular Task only contains 2 (or 1) levels. In this case, instead of indicating that this task has all three levels (Basic, Skilled and Mastery), here you will indicate the highest level that this task contains)
TRACCable Resource
Name "This is the name of the TRACCable Resource. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the TRACCable Resource. This can be done using a validation expression in the Object Definitions dialog.
Naming conventions are especially useful in the case of Tasks and Resources. These are the only two objects that can be shared in the system (in other words, they both have an Add/ Remove list that allows you to select one that appears elsewhere in the system)." New TRACCable Resource
Category All resources can be further classified using Categories and Sub Categories. The default Categories and Sub Categories can be changed in the Tools/ System Options/ Task tab. For a suggested list of Categories and Sub Categories, see Resource Categories/ Sub Categories worksheet None
Sub Category None
Pass Mark
URL "This is the location where all of your TRACCable Resources are stored. Generally, companies have a dedicated server or location where all of their resources reside. You may wish to set the default location to the beginning of the path where your resources are stored.
i.e., //TRACCESS_Resources/HSE/..."
Launch External No, Yes
Revision Date If your Learners are using TRACCable Resources, they will know that to click on the Mark as Complete button or to successful complete the Resource Assessment changes their resource icon to black. If there is a change on this particular resource, setting this revision date will change their icons to red (for those who had previously completed the resource).
ASSESS ID "If your installation includes a license for Perception QuestionMark (ASSESS), you can choose to attach a Resource Assessment to a TRACCable Resource. This way, instead of simply clicking on a Mark as Complete button to turn the TRACCable Resource icon black, the Learner will have to successfully complete a written assessment.
Please Note: If you choose to attach an assessment at the resource level, they will not only have to complete the assessment here, but also at the Task level. Completion of this assessment will NOT turn the top half of your Task black. Therefore, even if you do have a license for Perception QuestionMark, you may choose not to attach assessments at the resource level."
ASSESS URL This is the address of the Perception QuestionMark database. It will have the format http://…/q4/session.dll. If you do have a license for Perception QuestionMark, make sure that you reset the default from http://servername/q4/session.dll to the actual location. http://servername/q4/session.dll
Height 600
Width 800
Fullscreen No, Yes
Protected Content This field is for clients whose TRACCESS site is hosted by TTG Systems. It allows your material to be secure, even though it is being stored on the Internet. If you are hosting your own installation, do not set this to Yes - otherwise, you will not be able to view your learning resources. No, Yes
URL Resource
Name "This is the name of the URL Resource. In cases where you have many different business units who have created site-specific materials, you may wish to use a naming convention to classify the URL Resource. This can be done using a validation expression in the Object Definitions dialog.
Naming conventions are especially useful in the case of Tasks and Resources. These are the only two objects that can be shared in the system (in other words, they both have an Add/ Remove list that allows you to select one that appears elsewhere in the system)." New URL Resource
Category None
Sub Category None
URL "This is the location where all of your URL Resources are stored. Generally, companies have a dedicated server or location where all of their resources reside. You may wish to set the default URL location to the beginning of the path where your resources are stored.
i.e., //TRACCESS_Resources/HSE/..."
Height 600
Width 800
Fullscreen No, Yes
Protected Content This field is for clients whose TRACCESS site is hosted by TTG Systems. It allows your material to be secure, even though it is being stored on the Internet. If you are hosting your own installation, do not set this to Yes - otherwise, you will not be able to view your learning resources. No, Yes
Property Permissions "Property Permissions are viewing permissions.
For example, if you add a new custom property to the Employee object, and you want the Operational Administrator and Supervisor to be able to view this property while in the Organization Manager, you must check the corresponding field on."
ASSESS Capability Assessment
Revision Date
Sign Off Requirement
ASSESS Knowledge Assessment
Passmark %
Maximum Final Attempts
ASSESS ID - Practice
Capability Assessment
External URL
Use External Form
Revision Date
Sign Off Requirement
Capability Assessment Action
Competence Level
Task Notes
Hours of Training Credit
Hours to Learn Task
Course Resource
Provides Capability
Provides Knowledge
Sub Category
Pass Mark
Course Code
Password ü
Email Address
Default Language
Employee Number
Account Status
Can Change Password
Must Change Password
Password Duration
Failed Login Attempts
Last Successful Login
Account Created On
Password Changed Date
Maximum Reports Override
Primary Process
Preferred Paper Type
Employee/ Task Relationship
Capability Qualification Date
Knowledge Qualification Date
Capability Assessed By
Capability Attempts
Knowledge Assessed By
Knowledge Final Assessment Attempts
Capability Last Attempted Date
Knowledge Last Attempted Date
Knowledge Elapse Date
Capability Elapse Date
Knowledge Last Online Assessment %
Number of Extra Final Assessment Retries
SCORM Resource Last Accessed
SCORM Final Mark
SCORM Tracked Time
SCORM Completion Status
SCORM Success Status
Capability Last Set By
Knowledge Last Set By
Knowledge Last Changed Date
Capability Last Changed Date
Priority Last Changed Date
Employee/ TRACCable Resource Relationship
Completion Date
Last Viewed Date
Knowledge Answer
Is Correct
Times Chosen
Knowledge Assessment
# of Practice Assessment Questions
# of Final Assessment Questions
Allow Assessment to be Saved
Last Modified
Saved Assessment Expiry Time
Passmark %
Maximum Final Attempts
Knowledge Assessment Question
Question Text
Practice Assessment
Final Assessment
Answer Order
Correctness Rule
Answer Style
Times Asked
Times Correctly Answered
Times Unanswered
Organization Unit
Process Set
Qualification Data Warehouse Snapshot
Qualification Record Count
Generation Time
Report Template
Date Last Generated
SCORM Resource
Original Name
Provides Knowledge
Provides Capability
Show Help
Show Finish Button
Show Course Structure
Show Progress Bar
Show Navigation Bar
Show Title Bar
Enable Flow Navigation
Enable Choice Navigation
Course Structure Width
Course Structure Starts Open
SCO Launch Type
Wrap SCO Window with API
Player Launch Type
Prevent Right-Click
Prevent Window Resize
Status Display
Required Width
Required Height
Require Full Screen
Desired Width
Desired Height
Desire Full Screen
Finish Causes Immediate Commit
Score Rollup Mode
Score Rollup: Number of Scoring Objects
Status Rollup Mode
Status Rollup: Threshold Score for Completion
First SCO is a Pre Test
Invalid Menu Item Action
Always Flow to First SCO
Logout Causes Player Exit
Reset Runtime Data Timing
Intermediate Satisfied Logout Action
Intermediate Satisfied Normal Action
Intermediate Satisfied Suspend Action
Intermediate Satisfied Timeout Action
Intermediate Not Satisfied Logout Action
Intermediate Not Satisfied Normal Action
Intermediate Not Satisfied Suspend Action
Intermediate Not Satisfied Timeout Action
Final Satisfied Logout Action
Final Satisfied Normal Action
Final Satisfied Suspend Action
Final Satisfied Timeout Action
Final Not Satisfied Logout Action
Final Not Satisfied Normal Action
Final Not Satisfied Suspend Action
Final Not Satisfied Timeout Action
Communications Commit Frequency
Communications Maximum Failed Submissions
Show Review Button
Review Only if Task Complete
Sub Process
Task Notes
Hours of Training Credit
Hours to Learn Task
Task Export Category
Task with Levels
TRACCable Resource "The difference between a TRACCable Resource and a URL Resource is a button (that says either Mark as Complete or Take Assessment). If your installation includes a license for ASSESS (Perception QuestionMark) you may wish to attach an assessment at the Resource level.
If you do not have ASSESS, there are two fields in the TRACCable Resource properties that will never be used. To remove the confusion to SMEs as to their function, you may wish to deselect ASSESS ID and ASSESS URL from view for all of the roles."
Sub Category
Pass Mark
Launch External
Revision Date
Protected Content
URL Resource
Sub Category
Protected Content
Report Permissions
Create/ Edit/ Delete Activity Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Data Change History Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Export Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Organization Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Qualification Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Qualification (Compact) Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Requalification Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Self Qualification Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Self Qualification (Compact) Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Self Training Information Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Summary Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Task Completion Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Task Summary Reports
Create/ Edit/ Delete Training Information Reports
Function Permissions
Add/ Edit/ Delete Task Export Categories Task Export Categories are only required if you are exporting summarized learning records to be imported into an ERP or HRIS system. You may choose to allow an Operational Administrator to use this functionality, or reserve it as a System Owner function only.
Add/ Remove Employees Add/ Remove indicates that you can select from a list of employees that have been previously entered into the system. If you wish to allow an SME to create other SMEs, he must be given this right. This does not allow you to create people in the system.
Archive/ Restore Employees If you wish to allow your Operational Administrators to Archive/ Restore Employees, it is definitely less dangerous than allowing them to Delete/ Purge Employees. In any case, if they make a mistake, it can always be recovered.
Archive/ Restore Resources If you wish to allow your SME to Archive/ Restore Resources, it is definitely less dangerous than allowing them to Delete/ Purge Resources. In any case, if they make a mistake, it can always be recovered.
Archive/ Restore Tasks If you wish to allow your SME to Archive/ Restore Tasks, it is definitely less dangerous than allowing them to Delete/ Purge Tasks. In any case, if they make a mistake, it can always be recovered.
Assign Learning to Organization Units This is one of the main Operational Administrator functions. Once the Organization Unit has been created by the Operational Administrator, and the Process has been created by the SME, you must attach the two by Assigning Learning to Org Units.
Create/ Edit Employees Some companies wish to give the right to Supervisor to create and edit the employees in their Org Units. Some wish to keep this as an Operational Administrator function.
Create/ Edit Organization Structure This functionality is usually reserved for an Operational Administrator. Regardless, if you give a Supervisor the right to create Organization Units, they can only create Org Units within the Org Units that they have been assigned. They would be unable to manipulate any other area of the database.
Create/ Edit/ Delete Custom Report Types This is a new functionality available in version 8.4. Since this functionality must be quite precise, it is advised to leave it as a System Owner function only (although it can be attributed to an Operational Administrator and Reporter).
Create/ Edit Tasks Create/ Edit Tasks and Create/ Edit the Learning Model often go together. The Learning Model is representative of Process Sets, Processes and Sub Processes. Create/ Edit Tasks is Tasks, Resources, Knowledge Assessments, Capability Assessments and SCORM Resources.
Create/ Edit the Learning Model
Delete/ Purge Employees Although this is on by default for an Operational Administrator, it is highly advised to leave this as a System Owner function.
Delete/ Purge Resources
Delete/ Purge Tasks It is highly recommended to leave this as a System Owner function only.
Edit All Tasks (Owner Override) If you have several business units in your database, it is advised that this function be disabled. The concept behind Task Ownership is that only the person who created the Task (and anyone that this person assigns as Task Owner also) can change the properties of the Task. If you have this option enabled, any SME can modify any Task - regardless of Task Ownership.
Edit Events Events can be set as either Timed or Employee Task Events. Operational Administrators, Supervisors and Reporters may wish to have this functionality in order to create their own personal events on the Organization Units they supervise.
Edit Object Definitions The Object Definitions dialog is very powerful dialog, in which you can add new custom object properties, set defaults for properties, and set validations for properties. It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only.
Edit Other Employee's Activity Notes Editing Other Employee's Schedule and Activity Notes generally work together. Allowing a Supervisor or Operational Administrator this function will allow personal development plans to be created between management and the employees they supervise.
Edit Other Employee's Schedule
Edit Own Schedule
Edit Permission Sets for Organization Units "Once a new permission set (for a Learner, Supervisor, Operational Administrator, or Reporter) has been created - which differs from your default permission set for each of these roles, Operational Administrators can right click on an Organization Unit and select Change Permission Sets. This allows you to set your new permission set for the selected Org Unit.
Please Note: Setting a new permission set for an Organization Unit affects all of its immediate child Organization Units. If you only want a particular Organization Unit to use a specific permission set, you must select each of its immediate Child Org Units, and deselect the Inherit Permissions from Parent checkbox."
Edit Permission Sets for Processes/ Process Sets "Once a new permission set (for a Subject Matter Expert) has been created - which differs from your default permission set for each of these roles, Subject Matter Experts can right click on an Process Set/ Process and select Change Permission Sets. This allows you to set your new permission set for the selected Process Set/ Process.
Please Note: Setting a new permission set for a Process Set/ Process affects all of its immediate child Process Sets/ Processes. If you only want a particular Process Set/ Process to use a specific permission set, you must select each of its immediate Child Process Sets/ Processes, and deselect the Inherit Permissions from Parent checkbox."
Edit Role Permission Sets Enabling this function gives an Operational Administrator the right to change the default permission sets for the roles, as well as creating new permission sets. It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only.
Edit TRACCESS Today Settings The TRACCESS Today settings are available through Tools/ TRACCESS Today settings, and allow you to modify the text that appears in the Quick Links and TRACCESS News sections. It does not determine which sections (TRACCESS News, Quick Links, My Job Summary, Qualification Summary) are actually seen on TRACCESS Today (that is determined in the System Options/ TRACCESS Today tab).
Export/ Import Translations "This function is not only for providing translations of the program for other languages. It can also serve as a way to change the object names in TRACCESS CI to something else.
For example, if you are migrating from the 7 series, and wish to continue using the old terminology, Process, Sub Process and Task can be changed to Collection, Row and Folder. Also, if your learners have difficulty understanding the term ""Capability"", you may wish to change this to ""Practical"".
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
Manage Qualification Data Warehouse "The Qualification Data Warehouse manager is simply to view the number of snapshots you have accummulated, and the number of Qualification Counts are in that snapshot. This can be seen under Tools/ Maintenance/ Qualification Data Warehouse Manager under the main menu.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
Modify Image Lists "Although this dialog contains almost all of the graphics in the system, there are only 2 graphics that you can safely change without dire repercussions. These are the Login Screen and the Reports Header Image. If you chose to change all of the Task icons to something else, it will affect the functioning of the entire system.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
Send Feedback "Feedback and Messaging are very similar. They both make use of the email system to send messages to people. However, Feedback is in the context of an object, messaging is a general message to an entire Organization Unit. The three types of feedback are:
On a Task (in general) - sent to Supervisor
On a Knowledge Assessment question - sent to Task Owner
Requesting a Capability Assessment - sent to Supervisor
Messaging goes down - from System Owner/ Administrator/ Supervisor to Learners and Management
Feedback goes up - from Learner to Supervisor or Task Owner"
Send Messages
Set Course Marks "This allows the Supervisor and/ or Operational Administrator to set a Task as complete for an entire Organization Unit or individual Employee based on an external course. If this function does not seem to be working properly, there are a few troubleshooting steps that can be done:
1. Does the Organization Unit have access to the Process in which the course is attached as a resource?
2. Has the Course been set to Provide Knowledge and/ or Capability?
3. Does the mark obtained by the Employee meet or exceed the required passmark set by the Course resource?
4. Does the Task(s) that the Course is attached to have their Has Knowledge/ Capability Component set to yes?"
Set Primary Process - Dependent on Create/ Edit Employees A primary process can be assigned to each Employee, and is selected from the list of Processes they have access to. The primary process is the most important process for that person, and therefore opens immediately when the Employee accesses their My Job tree.
Set Qualification Dates "This is a function that has always existed in TRACCESS, and in CI it has been made even better. Instead of only being able to set completion dates on a Sub Process (Row), you can now select the entire Organization Unit and the entire Process, and deselect what does not apply.
When you use the Set Qualification Dates function, the line that appears in an Employee's View Task History is Knowledge/ Capability Qualification Date Set (Manual). It is recommended that if you are able to set a completion using a written assessment, a capability assessment, or a course mark, these ways provide more validity to the dates than simply using Set Qualification Dates."
Set System Options "Changing System Options will affect everyone in the database. These changes are in the areas of: General, Session, History Tracking, Task, Language, Online Assessments, Events, Report, TRACCESS Today, Schedule, and Data Warehouse.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
Set Task Priority "Setting a Task priority from Normal to High adds a red underline to the Task.
Please Note: Setting a Task Priority is Employee-specific. Even though you can do this function at the Organization Unit level, what the application is doing is tagging each Employee that is in the Organization Unit at the time of the change. If another Employee is subsequently added to the Organization Unit, their Task will appear as Normal priority."
Submit Capability Assessments This function is specific to the last step in completing a Capability Assessment, which may also be known as the electronic sign-off. If this function is not enabled for either an Operational Administrator or Supervisor, the only person who will be able to sign off on Capability Assessments is the System Owner. Make sure that this is enabled for one or both of the above mentioned roles.
Use Import Tool "Allow this function is enabled by default for an Operational Administrator, it is a function that could have dire consequences.
The two types of Imports that can currently be completed are Import Employees and Import Learning Records. These imports (especially when using SAP also) can be created as a Timed Event, and can be set to update the records in the system on a regularly scheduled basis.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
Use Search The Search is a very valuable tool, and can be used to generate results much the same as reports. If you are unable to obtain the information you wish to have in an integrated report, you may wish to see if this information is attainable by completing a Search.
Use TRACPath "TRACPath is a powerful Search and Replace tool for URL/ TRACCable Resources, and ASSESS Session URL addresses. If your resources or ASSESS database have been changed location, you can use this tool to change their path rather than having to reset links one-by-one.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
View Employee's Task History
View/ Change TRACCESS CI License "TRACCESS CI (8.3) implemented the use of license files to control the features that are available in the software, any expiry dates, maximum number of Employees, and active language packs.
It is highly recommended that you leave this as a System Owner function only."
View/ Edit Capability Assessment The Submit Capability Assessment deals with the electronic sign-off of the entire Capability Assessment. This function deals with the ability to fill in all of the other information (Assessor Name, Date, Comments) for each Action. You may wish to have a Supervisor be able to complete all of the Capability Assessment, and have the Operational Administrator the only role that can actually sign them off.
Resource Categories/ Sub Categories
Category Regulatory Policies
Sub Category Government Regulation
Sub Category Personal Protective Equipment
Sub Category Safety
Sub Category Corporate
Sub Category Environmental
Category Procedural & Operational
Sub Category Standard Operating Practice/ Procedure
Sub Category Checklist
Sub Category Assigned Reading
Category Reference Materials
Sub Category Form
Sub Category Report
Sub Category Manufacturer Specification
Category Graphics
Sub Category Process Flow Diagram
Sub Category Piping & Instrumentation Diagram
Sub Category Map
Sub Category Picture
Category Applications
Sub Category MS Office
Sub Category TRACCESS
Sub Category SAP
There are several settings and object properties in TRACCESS CI whose definition and interconnections with other elements in the program are not completely clear. The purpose of this help page is to describe the document:
This document contains five worksheets:
Defaults - lists all of the other worksheets in the file
System Options, etc. - shows all of the default settings that appear in the System Options and TRACCESS Today Settings dialogs.
Object Definitions - lists the default settings for each property, as well as several property definitions
Role Permission Sets - shows the defaults settings for each role, and provides definitions for the Function Permissions
Resource Categories/ Sub Categories - lists a suggested set of Resource Categories/ Sub Categories that could be used instead of the defaults that come with the system.
When you first install TRACCESS CI, you may wish to edit this document with your new default settings.