The New Task Summary Report Template - Learning page appears.
The New Task Summary Report Template - Organization Units page appears.
Selecting to report on an object that contains descendants will report on the descendants also. For example, selecting to report on Organization Units will report on all the Learners in all Organization Units in the system. Selecting to report on Employees only will report on the individual employee.
The New Task Summary Report Template - Filters page appears.
For more information on using Filters, see Report Filters.
The New Task Summary Report Template - Options page appears.
This option is new to TRACCESS CI (8.6), and allows you to create a single report that displays both Complete and Incomplete. Previous versions of TRACCESS CI required that two reports be generated - one with Complete Employees and one with Incomplete Employees.
The New Task Summary Report Template - Properties page appears.
For more information on using and displaying report properties, see Report Properties.
The New Task Summary Report Template - Format page appears.
This is the format that the report will be displayed within the TRACCESS application. The possible formats are: TRACCESS Report, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel Data Only, Adobe Acrobat PDF and Microsoft Word Document.
This is the format that the report will generated in to be sent to your email Inbox. The possible formats are: TRACCESS Report, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Excel Data Only, Adobe Acrobat PDF and Microsoft Word Document.
Please note: This will decrease the overall file size allowing you to generate and receive larger reports. However, you may wish to check whether or not attachments with a *.zip extension are currently being blocked by your email system before checking this option.
If the generated report is larger than the value shown in this dialog, you will receive a message indicating the completion status of the report, and that it was unable to include the attachment due to its size. In this case, you can still view the report within TRACCESS, and subsequently export it.
The template will appear in edit mode under the Task Summary heading.
The Generate Report dialog appears. The Title field is populated with the name of the template.
In the context view, a new report appears in the Generated Reports box. While the report is generating, appears in front of the report name. This icon changes to a
icon once the report is generated.