The TRACCESS CI developement team is continuously changing and updating our software to meet the needs of our clients. The main features of TRACCESS CI (8.5) were incorporated to do just that.
This "minor" release of TRACCESS is not so minor, with 11 new features being added. These include:
Organization Unit/ Learner Views
Merge Employees and Merge Tasks
Task History Attachments
Electronic/ Digital Signatures
Supervisor Right Restrictions
Forgot Password
Custom Learning Records Import
Modified use of SCORM Modules
Simplifying the Knowledge Assessment Question Import
Custom Toolbar
The following information is a very brief summary of the new features. For more information, either click on the links provided within the text to access this information within the Help File pages, or download a printable copy of this page.
What's New in TRACCESS CI (8.5)
In previous versions, Administrators/ Supervisors had the ability to customize what an entire group, or an individual user within a group, was able to see of the process that was assigned to them. This meant that even if an entire group should see most of the tasks within a process, the process could be assigned, and subsequently specific tasks could be hidden from their view. The same could be said for an individual user. These became known as Group and User Views.
With the introduction of cascaded learning, the way that learning can be assigned changes what functionality is required. Instead of assigning a large process to everyone, and making customizations afterwards, the goal of TRACCESS CI is to remove common learning into a separate process, and assign it at the top. Tasks would only be stored in Processes based on who requires this learning.
However, even with the introduction of cascaded learning, customers have let us know that there is still the need for customizations to be made at the Organization Unit and Learner level at times – which led to the design of this functionality in TRACCESS CI. Although the look of the program is different, the end result is the same.
During the course of the “life of the database”, several changes may occur. There may be TRACCESS Administrator employee turnover, management turnover, legislation changes, course changes/ additions/ deletions, etc. that may all affect the content and structure of the TRACCESS database. Regardless of cause, the result can be duplicate tasks and duplicate employee profiles. Manually attempting to merge the two “like” objects inevitably results in a loss of some kind of information and is prone to human error. TRACCESS CI (8.5) introduces the merge employees and merge tasks functionality.
Have you ever wondered what to do with the endless stacks of paper that hold employees’ records of training? Are you running out of storage space? Are you wondering how difficult it will be to supply an auditor with a record of training when it is being asked for?
TRACCESS CI (8.5) introduces the answer to all of these problems. For each qualification that TRACCESS records for a particular employee, on a particular task, the Operational Administrator or Supervisor can upload a scanned document that is the “proof” of that qualification.
An electronic or digital signature is essentially a computer’s way of signing a person’s name to something. A signature is legally binding, and short of being able to reproduce an actual signature within a computer, this is the technical way of accomplishing the same thing. Providing an electronic signature validates that a person exists in the database, using employee ID and password information. Therefore, when setting/ clearing completion statuses for employees within TRACCESS, an operational administrator or supervisor can be asked to provide the equivalent of their signature – or electronic signature.
In versions prior to 8.5, Supervisors had access to certain functionality that may not have been desired. In particular, these include:
Being able to set their own learning as complete
Having access to all of a Learner’s Processes, regardless of where the Process was assigned.
Both of the above functions have been separated out in the Role Permission Set editor to either enable or disable this functionality
Have any of your learners ever lost their password? We know that this happens from time to time, and who ends up getting the phone call? TRACCESS CI (8.5) introduces a “Lost Password” functionality. This functionality works in conjunction with your employee email addresses – if some of your employees do not have emails set in their profiles, this will not work for them.
When importing employee profile information, the import format is extremely forgiving and flexible. However, when importing learning record information, the import format was extremely rigid and unforgiving. If the columns were not in the proper order, or there were too many or too few columns, the import would not work properly. This has been amended slightly, to allow custom Employee Task properties (as well as two integrated properties) to be imported at the same time as a learning record import.
Two things have changed in the use of SCORM modules. One is essentially visual, while the other is functional.
The SCORM module can be accessed by a single button, that allows you to decide whether you are accessing the module as a resource, or for credit (similar to how a Knowledge Assessment is launched).
The SCORM module can now be attached as the Knowledge Assessment. In this way, the Learner simply has to click the button – whether they are accessing an internal TRACCESS Knowledge Assessment, an external ASSESS Knowledge Assessment, or now an external SCORM module.
Version 8.5 introduces two new toolbars: a global toolbar (where the system owner can place commonly used functions), and a personal toolbar (where each learner can decide which functions he/ she uses most frequently).