Below are examples of how the color of Task icons change as their statuses change.
incomplete with duration |
complete with duration |
complete about to elapse |
completed again (recertified) |
elapsed |
failed |
incomplete with duration |
complete with duration |
revised |
recertified |
failed |
incomplete with duration |
complete with duration |
revised |
revised and about to elapse |
recertified |
elapsed |
failed |
Tasks with durations can appear in several different ways:
Task contains a Knowledge component only (with Duration)
Task contains a Capability component only (with Duration)
Task contains both Knowledge and Capability components (but only a Knowledge Duration)
Task contains both Knowledge and Capability components (but only a Capability Duration)
Task contains both Knowledge and Capability components (both with Durations)
The Task Status History dialog tracks "color changes" - "white" to "black" (incomplete to complete), "black" to "red" (complete to revised), "red" to "black" (revised to complete), etc. The only color change that cannot occur, and therefore will not been seen in the Task Status History dialog, is "white" to "red" (incomplete to revised). A Task must first be completed (black) before it can be revised (red).
Keep in mind, colors (statuses) apply to an Employee's Task - not to the Task in general. A red or black Task will never be seen in the Process Manager.