To add or edit a Supervisor chart to Dashboard content:
Select Tools > Dashboard Content. A dialog box appears.
Click the Chart tab.
Click on an Org Unit name from the tree in the left pane, and click on the checkbox to enable the Chart(s) for this Org Unit.
Select a language from the Select Language to Edit dropdown menu, located in the right pane.
Click the Add
icon under Supervisor
Charts. Click the Edit
for editing an existing chart. The Edit Chart Settings dialog appears.
First, edit the Options for your chart—these can be changed at anytime.
Chart Name - Type in a unique chart name. The name appears on the chart's tab on the TRACCESS Dashboard. It is recommended to use a unique name, especially when adding similar charts.
Skin - Click on the ellipsis button to view the available skins, and click on the skin you'd like to use.
View by - Choose how to view your chart data—more info.
Type - Choose a type of chart: Bar, Bubble, Line, or Point.
Orientation - Choose to display your chart data Horizontally or Vertically.
Show System Average - Displays the System Average line in your chart. This option is not available if it has not been enabled by a System Owner in Dashboard Layout.
Show System Target - Displays the System Target line in your chart. This option is not available if it has not been enabled by a System Owner in Dashboard Layout.
Items to be displayed per page - Sets how many items can be displayed per page. The maximum is 100. A track bar appears if all the items cannot fit on one page.
MS Excel Export Template - You can add a template to be used to export your chart to Excel.
Click Next
> button. The Organization Units page appears.
Expand the Organization Units tree and select the Org Units you want to display information about in the chart. You cannot select individual employees.
Click OK.
The chart is now listed under Supervisor Charts in Dashboad Content and will appear on Supervisor Dashboards.
Note: Charts will only appear on the TRACCESS Dashboard if they are set to appear. This is configured in the Dashboard Layout editor.
Additional help:
Dashboard Content: Detailed Overview
Adding Learner Charts to Dashboard Content