The Capability Assessment Verification Status is a property that indicates to managers the verification status of a Capability Assessment without having to go into the Task History. When an Employee's Task is selected in the context view, the Properties pane displays the Verification Status, and an icon associated with the current status will appear on the Task icon. Just by quickly glancing at an Employee's Tasks, managers can easily see which Capability Assessments have been verified.
Note: The values and icons for this property can be customized to your organization's preference: see Customize an Icon by Property Value. The default values and icons are explained below.
The Capability Assessment Verification Status property appears as read-only in the Properties pane and has five possible values. Below, you can see these values and how the icons associated with them will appear layered with an Employee's Task icon:
N/A (Not Applicable) |
no image |
Unverified |
no image |
Rejected - Capability Qualification Allowed |
Rejected - Capability Qualification Revoked |
Accepted |
Feature Notes:
The values for this property can be customized to your preference in Object Definitions (see Customize an Icon by Property Value).
When the Capability status has been verified in the history dialog, the property value is automatically updated.
When the current Capability Assessment is set to "Incomplete," the property value will be set to "N/A." If the status is set to "Complete," the property value will be set to "Unverified."
If the current Capability status has already been verified, the verification status will be applied to the new "Capability Assessment Verification Status" property during the database upgrading.