When an Employee is selected in the Organization Manager, the context view contains five tabs:
Remove - this takes the employee out of the current Organization Unit, but does not affect their other Organization Unit/ Process assignments in TRACCESS
Remove from all Organization Units - this takes the employee out of all Organization Units. Generally this function is used when an Employee is going to be removed from the system entirely, and the Operational Administrator/ Supervisor does not wish to have to go to each of the Employee's Organization Unit assignments to do so.
Send Message - this opens a New Message dialog to send an email message to the employee's email address. If this employee does not have an email address, the system will bring this to your attention.
Set Course Marks - if the employee has attended a particular external course that has been linked to a task(s), selecting this option allows the Operational Administrator/ Supervisor to set their corresponding tasks as complete based on this course.
Schedule - calls up the employee's Occupational Development Schedule. Any items that are added in this way will be referenced with a "Read-Only", and the employee themselves will not be able to modify or delete these items.
Add Activity to Learner - rather than calling up the entire Occupational Development Schedule, an Operational Administrator/ Supervisor can also create an Activity for a Learner that will subsequently appear in their Schedule.
Remove Learner Views - if any customizations have been made for a Learner on any of their processes, they can all be removed simultaneously.
Account Created On - This date is automatically generated by the system when a new Employee is created. It will always appear as Read-Only.
Status - This field can either be active or inactive. Most
of your current employees would be set as active. An inactive
account was designed to be used for employees that are currently on
leave, but intending to return. An example of this would be
maternity leave or short-term disability.
An inactive employee still counts against your license account, but
the employee cannot log into TRACCESS and the employee is not included
in dashboard and pie charts. By default, reports include both active
and inactive employees. However, you can set
filters so inactive employees are not included in report results.
Some companies may have used this field to indicate people who are
no longer with the company, with no intention of returning. In
that case, PetroSkills suggests using the Archive
functionality. This removes employees from your Org structure
so they are not counted against your license count, but still lets
you restore their records if/when required.
Can Change Password - In certain cases, a particular employee may be prone to losing their password. If so, the Supervisor or Operational Administrator may wish to set this field to No, keeping a copy of their password. When the password is lost, they simply have to contact their manager to retrieve it.
Language - If your system has been set up with pass-through
authentication (you do not see the login screen. After logging
in to the network, you can access TRACCESS by clicking on the appropriate
icon. In order for the system to know which language to open
for you, each Employee's default language must be set.
By default, this is set to English, and will not matter unless your
installation contains languages in addition to English.
Address - An Employee's email address is important for several
features of TRACCESS CI to function correctly. This address
can either be a corporate email address, or a personal email address.
The following functions depend on email to operate properly:
Scheduling - Activity Email Milestones
Knowledge/ Capability Revisions - receiving messages from a
Events - being told to login to TRACCESS when a Task is about
to elapse
Messaging - receiving general messages from Supervisors, Operational
Administrators, SMEs, or System Owners
Feedback - receiving messages from Learners if you are their
Supervisor or a Task Owner
Employee ID - This is the "login ID", or that which is used to enter TRACCESS. You will often require this, along with a password in order to enter the system. For this reason, the Employee ID must be unique to distinguish between individuals.
Employee Number - If your company uses employee numbers, you can make use of this field. It can subsequently be used to sort information using an advanced search or it can be specified in reports.
Failed Login Attempts - When an Employee logs in to TRACCESS, if there has been a failed login attempt, they will receive a message stating as much after they successfully login. In most cases, this will be obvious. ("Oh yeah, I kept typing my password wrong" … or … "I was using my previous password"). However, if this is not the case, and the error message still appears, you may wish to see who has been attempting to login under your Employee ID.
First Name - This is a fairly self-explanatory field. It has not been set as a mandatory field when creating a New Employee for cultural reasons.
Last Name
Last Successful Login - In most cases, this field is used by supervisors or operational administrators. They may wish to see who has been using the system and when they were in the system last.
Maximum Reports Override - Each employee is allowed to keep XX number of generated reports - not to be confused with Report Templates that are unlimited. By default, this number is 10 and is set in the System Options/ Reports tab. For the majority of Employees (who are Learners and only have access to self reports), this value should be sufficient. However, for certain members of management who are charged with generating frequent reports, you may wish to assign a number in this field. This means that they have access to the default number, plus this value.
Change Password - When an Employee is first created in the
system, a checkbox at the botton of the New Employee dialog sets this
field to Yes.
Once this Employee changes their password, this field automatically
resets to No, and they will not be required to change their password
at the subsequent login.
Password - When viewing the Password field from the Properties of the Organization Manager, it is viewed as *****. This will appear the same for everyone. To reset someone's password, click on the arrow to the right of the field, and either delete the ***s that appear, or assign a simple password, and set the Must Change Password for this Employee to Yes.
Password Changed Date - This is the last date that the employee's password was changed.
Duration - Certain companies have chosen to synchronize the
change of their network password with the change of a TRACCESS password.
This can be accomplished using this field.
Please Note: Since employees may not login to TRACCESS on a daily
basis, the "timer" is reset when the employee changes their
password - not on a particular date. It may be difficult to
completely synchronize network password changes with TRACCESS password
Picture - This is the only image field.
Paper Type - To accommodate for all regions of the
world, each employee can have their preferred paper type set.
If your company is located in a region that uses A4, you may wish to
reset the default paper type in the Object Definitions to A4.
Process - If a Learner is not assigned a Primary Process, all
of the Processes that they have access to through their Organization
Unit assignments appear in My Job in a flat list.
If a Learner is assigned a Primary Process, this Process will be indicated
with a different icon, and the Process will appear expanded in the
context view, or the right side, of the screen.