Task Completion Report Template Wizard

Once you have used the reports a few times, you may remember what the end result is supposed to look like, but cannot remember the report type name.  Before describing the individual wizard pages, below is a sample generated report.

Selecting to report on an object that contains descendants will report on the descendants also.  For example, selecting to report on Organization Units will report on all the Learners within the Organization Unit.  Selecting to report on Employees only will report on the individual Employees.

Selecting to report on an object that contains descendants will report on the descendants also.  For example, selecting to report on Process Sets will report on all the Processes, Sub Processes and Tasks within the Process Set.  Selecting to report on Tasks only will report on the individual tasks.

Create Filters with the use of the Add Report Filter dialog.

A Filter is a way of "weeding through" the information and only showing exactly what you are looking for.  For example, if you wanted to start using certain functionality that you never made use of before, you may wish to see all Employees without an email address, so that you could enter it, and without a Primary Process, so that you could set it.  This would narrow down your list to only show the ones that need to be worked on.

This page allows you to select two report formats:  a view format and a mail attachment format.  

If the generated report is larger than the value shown in this dialog, you will receive a message indicating the completion status of the report, and that it was unable to include the attachment due to its size.  In this case, you can still view the report within TRACCESS, and subsequently export it.

If the mail attachment format and the create zip file fields are disabled, this means that the option to attach generated reports to completion emails has been disabled for your installation.