All users in the TRACCESS system are called Employees. In TRACCESS a role is a list of functions that an Employee is allowed to perform within the context of an Organization Unit and its associated Processes. Each role has a default set of permissions that defines what each role is allowed to perform. An Employee may have several roles in a TRACCESS system, depending upon the Organization Unit context. An Employee may even be assigned different roles within a single Unit and its assigned Processes.
The following roles are available in TRACCESS CI:
Learner: The Learner role consists of a limited
list of functions in the TRACCESS system, allowing an Employee to view
and perform assigned learning.
There are three Management roles associated with the Organization Unit:
Reporter: The Reporter role consists of permissions
to generate reports within the system.
Supervisor: The Supervisor role consists of
a list of functions that allows an Employee to oversee a Learner’s completion
of Processes within the system.
Operational Administrator: The Operational
Administrator role is a list of permissions that allows an Employee to
manage the Organization structure in the context of their assignment.
There is also a Management role associated with the Processes assigned to an Organization Unit:
Subject Matter Expert (SME):
The SME role consists of different permissions to allow an Employee
to manage the Process structure in the context of their assignment.
Finally, one role exists outside of the structures and has access to all TRACCESS functions.
System Owner: The
System Owner role consists of permissions to access the entire system,
and exists separate from the overall Organization structure.
The following icons do not represent particular roles, but are used in the system.
Multi-Role: In
certain locations in the program, an Employee who has multiple roles is
represented by this icon.
Task Owner: An
employee can be set as the owner of a particular Task. This
is not considered a role, but utilizes a similar icon as the role icons.
In order for a Task Owner to be able to manipulate
a Task, they must also be a Subject Matter Expert for the Process in which
the Task appears.