This help file is an easy way to learn how to use the TRACCESS Competency Intelligence (CI) application. It is designed as a tool for employees to understand and manage their job tasks.
What's New in TRACCESS? outlines some of the new features in TRACCESS CI and gives you a foundation for viewing and understanding the new terms and concepts in TRACCESS CI.
We recommend that you follow the help in order, so that you get an understanding of the new TRACCESS terms and structures before you begin planning and building your learning structure.
Here are some tips to help you use the TRACCESS help. Use any of the methods below, depending on what works best for you.
View the Help in-sequence using the table of contents. Click the Contents tab, and then click the plus box next to a book to see its contents. Click each page to view the corresponding lesson in the right-hand pane.
Find information using the online index. Click the Index tab, scroll through the keyword list, and then double-click the keyword. When you double-click a keyword, the corresponding topic appears in the right-hand pane.
Locate every occurrence of a word or phrase in the Help by clicking the Search tab and then typing the word. When the list of topics displays, double-click the topic title you want to display. The corresponding topic appears in the right-hand pane.
Clicking on the
arrow will show a related graphic. Clicking on the arrow again will hide
the graphic.
You may print individual topics in this WebHelp file using your Web browser's print function.
While this Help shows you how to use many of the TRACCESS CI features, you may have questions about additional features while using the program. Look under Contact in the Help table of contents to view TRACCESS CI support options.
This Help, and the software described in it, are both furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that agreement. TTG Systems Incorporated reserves the right to make changes to this documentation at any time without prior notice. For current information about TRACCESS documentation and software, check the TTG Systems Incorporated home page on the Internet at http://www.ttg-inc.com.