Import Learning Records Legend

To access a CSV file that contains all of the field names listed below, click here.

For the Import Learning Records function to be successful, you must enter a minimum of the following:


Data in all other fields is optional; however, the column names themselves must exist, and must be in the following order.  

Employee ID - This field must be unique in TRACCESS. It is the information that the Employee uses to enter the system.

Employee Number - Many companies have unique employee numbers for everyone in the organization. This number is often found in an HRIS or ERP system.

First Name, Last Name - In most Western cultures, everyone has a first name and a last name; however, in some Asian cultures, people may only have one name (or Asian companies may not use two name fields, rather than enter their entire name into one field). For this reason, neither First or Last name is a required field in order for the Import Learning Records function to work; however, they may serve as a way of identifying a particular individual.

An Employee can be identified by Employee ID or Employee Number or First Name or Last Name, or any combination of these. If you enter a single defining field in the import file (i.e., Last name = Smith), the import may return an error message that more than one record matches this information. To prevent this, try to provide as much unique information as possible.

Task Name - This field must be spelled exactly as it appears in TRACCESS. If spelling or spacing is slightly different, the application will interpret this as a different Task, and will not reflect the appropriate information. When entering the Task name in the import file, you may wish to cut/ paste the name directly from TRACCESS CI.

Task Level - This field only applies to a Task with Levels. If you wish to enter a completion date for a Task with Levels, you must enter the name of the Task (in the Task Name field), as well as the specific level in this field. By default, the only values that will appear in this field are Basic, Skilled and Mastery.

To verify the names that are used in your installation, select Tools/ System Options/ Language tab and click the Competence Level Labels button.

Assessor Name - Since the learning record information that your company possesses has likely been gathered over several years, the names of Supervisors or Management personnel who originally signed off on functionality may no longer be with your company. For this reason, the import learning records functionality allows you to enter the name of a person, regardless of if that person's profile exists in the database.

Assessor Employee ID - This field must be unique in TRACCESS. It is the information that the Supervisor (Management) used to enter the system.

Assessor Employee Number - Many companies have unique employee numbers for everyone in the organization. This number is often found in an HRIS or ERP system.

Knowledge Qualification Date - This is the date that the Employee completed the Knowledge component of the Task. If you're entering a Knowledge completion, this is a required field.

Knowledge Mark - This is the mark that the Employee obtained on the Knowledge component.

Knowledge Attempts - Enter the number of times it took before the Employee successfully completed the Knowledge component.

Capability Qualification Date - This is the date that the Employee completed the Capability component of the Task. If you're entering a Capability completion, this is a required field.

Capability Attempts - Enter the number of times it took before the Employee successfully completed the Capability component.

Comments - The information that you enter in this field is displayed in the Task Status History dialog/ Comments section. You may wish to use this as a tool to show that the Learning was obtained outside of TRACCESS and imported as a way of grandfathering learning information.

If you choose to set task priority, add extra final assessment retries, or add custom employee task properties, no Knowledge or Capability Qualification Date is required in the import file.  The Employee Middle Name is a field that has been added in TRACCESS CI (8.6), and if you choose to add Middle Names to your Employees, this field must be added in the same way as a custom Employee/ Task property would be added - after the Comments field in the file.

Priority - Normal or High.  This field allows a supervisor/ operational administrator to set the task priority for a particular employee on a specific task.  

Number of Extra Final Assessment Retries - As the name states, this value is added to the original number of times that an Employee was able to attempt the Final Knowledge Assessment of a Task.  If the original number was 3, the Learner failed 3 times, and the Supervisor/ Operational Administrator set this number to 1, they would have 1 more chance to complete the final assessment.  This value of 1 does not reset itself back to 0 if the Learner fails again.  The Supervisor/ Operational Administrator would then have to increase the number to 2 or more in order for the Learner to be able to take the assessment again.

Custom Employee Task Properties - Some companies have expressed a desire to add custom employee task properties such as Capability Mark or Attitude Mark.  Although it is possible to import such properties and subsequently report on them, these properties are not tied to the status of the employee task.  In other words, since this is not integrated functionality, you would not be able to set a Capability Mark that would attach itself to different capability completions of an employee's Task History.

For example:  Since the task of Standard First Aid contains both a Knowledge and Capability Component that must be recertified over time, you will not be able to enter records such as:

Joe Employee completed the Capability Assessment for Standard First Aid on March 13, 1985 with a mark of 80.

Joe Employee completed the Capability Assessment for Standard First Aid on Feb 22, 1988 with a mark of 90.

Since the Capability Assessment Mark is not an integrated field in TRACCESS CI, only a single mark will be saved - and that is the last one that has been set.

Attachment - This column allows you to include an attachment in the import. The attachment can be any type of file that is associated with an Employee’s learning records. This file could be a PDF, a scanned copy of a certificate, or a paper Knowledge Assessment, for example. It could also be a signed-off Capability Assessment form completed by a Capability Assessor. Once the import is complete, the file can be viewed in the Employee’s Task History.

Note: The Attachment column is optional and should only be included in the import sheet when this column is being used.

A file path must be indicated to import the attachment(s). This can be done in a couple of different ways:

For example, each row would indicate a file path such as C:\employees\files\certificates\certificate_smith_john.pdf

For example, if the path indicated is C:\employees\files\certificates\, each row must indicate the file name for each certificate such as "certificate_smith_john.pdf."

All files in the supplemental directory and subdirectories will be uploaded to the TRACCESS server. If the attachment files are missing or if permission to access them is denied, a warning will be indicated in the log file, but the rest of the import file will still go into the database.

File Path Format - The path can be UNC or local; however, for an Event, the path must be UNC, so that the files can be retrieved from the server.