A Supervisor can grant a learner extra retries for a Final Knowledge Assessment when the learner has reached the maximum number of test attempts without passing. The number of times it takes for a learner to successfully complete the Knowledge Assessment (including the original number attempts and granted retries) is recorded in the Task History.
Before granting the retries, it's recommended to first consider why the learner has failed the assessment. This could be for a number of reasons:
The provided resources and the assessment question(s) do not contain the same information.
The wording of the assessment question(s) is confusing.
An incorrect answer is set as the correct answer in the assessment editor.
The learner is not using all of the tools available to successfully pass the test (e.g. not accessing the resources, not attempting the practice assessment first, etc).
After exploring the possible reasons and solving any problems with the assessment, you can then grant extra retries.
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