Interpret Set Qualification Dates |
Completion of the Knowledge and/ or Capability components of a Task can be set manually by a Supervisor (or Operational Administrator - if given the appropriate Role Permissions).
In previous versions, the Set Qualification Dates function was used as a "catch-all". Any circumstance that would cause completion of a Task's components (with the exception of completing a Knowledge Assessment online) would use Set Qualification Dates. For example:
Entering pass marks based on Paper Assessments
Entering pass marks based on courses given to groups of Employees
Entering pass marks based on grandfathering information prior to an implementation
Entering pass marks based on successful demonstration of a Practical Task
In TRACCESS CI, there are two specific functions that have been added to reduce the need to Set Qualification Dates manually. These include Set Course Marks and Completing Capability Assessments.
Set Course Marks - A course resource can be added to a Task, whose properties may include "Provides Knowledge"/ "Provides Capability". A supervisor can then select the individuals and the course, and enter the individual marks obtained. This functionality not only allows individual marks to be entered (compared to previous versions only capturing success at 100%), but also records an employees failure to obtain the pass mark (and the date that the Task was last attempted).
Completing Capability Assessments - In previous versions, if the Task contained a Practical component, there was no way of saving the steps required to successfully complete it (other than attaching a checklist Resource to the Task). In TRACCESS CI, a Capability Assessment can be added to a Task and configured to include actions and action items. A Supervisor can then sign-off on individual actions, with these settings automatically saved in the system.
To once again act as a "catch-all", the Set Qualification Dates can still be used to set the Knowledge and/ or Capability components as complete. TRACCESS CI allows this functionality to be set for
An Organization Unit for a Sub Process
An Organization Unit for a Task
An Employee for a Sub Process
An Employee for a Task
When setting qualification dates for an Organization Unit, individual employees may be selected or deselected. When setting qualification dates for a Sub Process, individual Tasks may be selected or deselected.