About Customizing Object Icons by Property Value


For detailed step-by-step instructions, visit Customize an Object's Icon by Property Value.

Objects in the system are visually represented by icons. These icons are fully customizable by adding a custom property to the object. The icon can then be modified based on which value is selected for that object. Multiple selection values can be added, and each selection value can have a different image associated with it.

For example, the Employee object could have a property added called "Employee Status." This new property could have several values such as Default, Full-time, Part-time, Contractor, and On Leave. When an employee is selected in the Organization Manager, the property "Employee Status" along with its values in a dropdown menu, Each one of these values can have a different image associated with it such as a different colored small dot for each value. Below you can see that Employee Status values have been set for a number of employees. The colored dots appear on each employee's icon, visually distinguishing one employee's status from another.

An icon can have more than one image layered on top of it. For example, if two Employee properties that have images were selected, the employee icon would then have two images layered with the employee icon. You can see below that the employee icon has a blue dot and a star.

Icons can be completely covered by another image as well. Below, you can see that the process set icon has been completely covered by a briefcase icon to represent a job.

Another example of customizing an object's icon would be flagging "critical" tasks with a star.


- When layering images, the background must be transparent; otherwise, it will cover part of the image underneath it. If you want to cover an icon completely, the image must be large enough to cover the object's image.

- Any properties with images act like regular properties. They can still be used for the creation of custom properties, configured for advanced search, and configured for inclusion in reports and report filtering.

Note about hiding properties from roles: Properties can be hidden from specific roles in the Roles Permissions Sets dialog, and while this will prevent this role from seeing the property in the Properties section, the custom image associated with the property will not be hidden. It is recommended that when hiding properties, to save the custom image and then delete it if you do not want it to be shown.

Additional Help:

Customize an Icon by Property Value