Below are PDFs to help you learn and review TRACCESS icons, concepts, and functions. You will also find downloads for importing data into your TRACCESS CI system.
Terminology Icons for the main TRACCESS concepts and roles.
Task Icons Icons used to show the type and status of Tasks in your learning activities.
Roles/Trees How the different roles (Learner, Supervisor, Operational Administrator, Reporter, Subject Matter Expert, System Owner) use the My Job, Organization, Processes, and Reports sections of TRACCESS.
Administrative View Screenshot of the main view for an Administrator with explanations of the screen sections in relation to Administrator functions.
Learner View Screenshot of the main Learner view with explanations of the screen sections and of icons related to assessment and learning management.
Org Unit/Learner Views 7.6 and 8.5 Learner and Organization View from TRACCESS 7.6 and 8.5 versions.
Data Warehouse Tables ( jpg / vsd ) Color-coded flow chart that outlines how different types of data are stored in the TRACCESS system.
Login, Dashboard, and Tools Describes the CI login process, the main features of the Dashboard and the Quick Access Bar, and ways to tailor the Dashboard to your preferences.
Selecting and Using Reports Reviews the key functions you perform to prepare TRACCESS CI reports.
Operational Administrator - Manage Org Units, Employees, and Learning Reviews key system functions the Operational Administrator uses.
SME - Manage Learning Processes and Tasks Reviews key Process and Task functions that the Subject Matter Expert performs.
Supervisor - Manage Assigned Learning Reviews key TRACCESS CI functions that you perform as a Supervisor.
Import Test Questions (CI) Outlines the coding needed to set up and import Knowledge Assessment questions for 9.x TRACCESS versions.
Import Assessment Question Format (7.x Series/ CI) Outlines the coding needed to set up and import Knowledge Assessment questions for 7.x TRACCESS versions.
Import Learning Records Legend.csv Excel template to use for inputting multiple learner records to import into TRACCESS.
Import Employees Legend.csv Excel template to use for inputting multiple employees to import into TRACCESS.
Import Process Model Objects.xls Excel template to use for importing Process, Sub Process, Tasks, and Resource objects into TRACCESS.
Default Settings/ Definitions.xls Excel template to set default configuration settings for System Options, Object Definitions, Role Permission Sets, and/or Resource Categories/Sub Categories.