Merge Tasks

If this is the first time that you complete this procedure, you may wish to contact PetroSkills Support to ensure that everything is being completed correctly. This precaution is simply due to the fact that Merging Tasks cannot be undone.

Locate the Tasks
  1. Select Tools/ Search from the main menu.

  2. Locate the Task that will be the Transient Object from the Process Manager (the object that will be deleted).

  3. In the Properties section, in the name field, add the words (to be deleted) next to the task name.

  4. Select Tools/ Search from the main menu.

  5. Locate the Task that will be the Persistent Object from the Process Manager (the object that will remain).

  6. Confirm the name of this task - and write it down.

Create a Lifetime Completions by Task Report

This is a custom TRACCESS CI report. If you have yet to create this new report type, click here to access the rpt file, and here to access the parameters on how to enter the report. Click here to access the Create New Report Type Procedure.

  1. Generate a Lifetime Completions by Task Report.

  2. Export the results of this report for future comparison.

Merge Tasks
  1. Select Tools/ Merge Tasks from the main menu.

  2. Enter part of the Task name in the Search field, and hit <Enter>.

  3. Select the Task that contains the words (to be deleted) as the transient object.

  4. Enter part of the Task name in the Search field, and hit <Enter>.

  5. Select the Task that will be the persistent object.

  6. Click OK.