To create an Org Unit and Learner Views template:
Open the Reports manager.
Click on Report Types.
Select Org Unit and Learner Views.
Click Report Template under the Home tab, or right click and select New. The New Org Unit and Learner View Report Template Wizard opens.
Expand the Organization Units tree, and select Organization Units and Learners to include in your report.
Click Next > or the Learning tab.
Expand the Required Learning tree, and choose the Process Sets, Processes, Sub Processes, and Tasks to include in your report.
Click Next > or the Filters tab.
(Optional) Click Add to create a filter. Learn more about Report Filters.
Click Next > or the Format tab.
(Optional) Choose the Mail attachment format. (There is only one option, since this report only has one view format.) The report will be sent to your email in XML format.
Note: The View format is select by default; there is only one type.
(Optional) Check off the Create ZIP file for attachment, if desired. (This option is only enabled when you have chosen a mail attachment format.)
Note: The ZIP format will decrease the file size allowing you to generate and receive larger reports; however, you may want to check whether or not attachments with a *.zip extension are currently being blocked by your email system before checking this option.
Note: A maximum file size limit is shown in this dialog. If the generated report is larger than the value shown, you will receive a message indicating the completion status of the report, and that it was unable to include the attachment due to its size. In this case, you can still open and export the report from TRACCESS.
Click the < Previous button to make changes to your template, if required.
Click OK. Your template will appear with its name in edit mode in the Reports Templates section of the Reports manager.
Enter a unique and descriptive name for your report template and hit Enter.
With a report template, you can now generate the report.
To generate a report from a template
Open the Reports manager.
Select Report Templates.
Select your report template from the context view.
Click on New Report Template in the ribbon -or- right click on the report template name and select Generate Report. The Generate Report dialog opens.
(Optional) Enter a name for the report in the Title field.
(Optional) Enter a Subtitle for the report.
(Optional) Enter a Description of the report.
(Optional) Select Send email when report completes to receive a notification sent to your inbox when the report is ready. You must have an email address in the system for this to work.
Click Generate.
A dialog appears listing the report with a generating icon: . When the report is finished generating, the icon changes:
. You can keep this dialog open or close it and access the generated report from Reports in the Reports manager. To view the generated report, simply double click on the report name.
About the Org Unit and Learner Views Report