External URL - If your company already has forms that are used for signing off the capability or practical component of a Task, this is the address of where a blank copy of that form resides. The supervisor will have the opportunity to Submit Pass or Submit Fail - but will not have the opportunity to add comments to particular actions.
Online - Indicates that the Capability Assessment is ready to be viewed by Learners, and completed by their Supervisors. In order to be put online, the Task must have the Has Capability Component set to Yes.
Protected Content - by default, this property is set to No. This is not an issue if TRACCESS is installed on an internal server, or if you are using TRACCESS' internal Capability Assessment form. However, if your implementation is hosted and you access TRACCESS over the internet, you may not wish for people to have direct access to your custom Capability Assessment forms. If you are making use of the Use External Form, and have entered an External URL, then the folder where the Capability Assessment documents are housed can be set to have specific "Sharing" rights on it. As with Windows Explorer, where you can set whether you want to allow the right to Read/ Change or have Full Control over your documents, the same is essentially done on secure folders that are available on the internet. At this point, you can select to show your files to everyone, or only to specific people. If you are not the specific person listed, you will not be able to access the files. If the Protected Content property is set to No, and the Capability Assessments are stored in a secure folder, then the secure folder will interpret that you are not one of the people who has access to the material within the folder. If the Protected Content property is set to Yes, and the Capability Assessments are stored in a secure folder, then the secure folder will interpret that you are one of the people who has access to the material within the folder - and will therefore display the Capability Assessment form.
Revision Date - This date will appear on the Capability Assessment form, but is not linked with the Capability Revision Date property of the Task that will turn all Tasks that were previously completed to Red. If you choose to use this Revision Date field, it will appear on the Internal Capability Assessment form to indicate what the "last" revision date was - but it does not keep track of all of the revisions that have occurred for this particular Capability Assessment.
Sign Off Requirement - This is either Management (which can be either a Supervisor, Operational Administrator or System Owner) or an Expert. In most cases, the Supervisor will be sufficient. When a specific procedure must be signed off, a particular person's name can be specified as the only one who can sign off of the practical component. This is known as Expert Only sign-off.
Use External Form - If your company already has forms that are used for signing off the capability or practical component of a Task, this field must be set to Yes, in order to indicate the address where the form resides.
Properties tab - in the Properties tab, you have access to an Add/ Remove Experts button, which calls up the corresponding dialog. If your signoff requirement is set to expert only, you must indicate at least one expert before being able to set the Capability Assessment online.
Actions tab - within this tab, you can enter any actions (and any desired action details) that the supervisor will be looking for in the completion of the capability assessment. Actions can be very large, or very small. This is determined by what your company requires a signature on. In other words, a supervisor will have to provide his/ her name, the date, and relevant comments on each "thing" that you deem to be an action.