To Set Course Marks
Please note: If the Provide Explicit Digital Signature function has been enabled, the last step after clicking finish will be followed by a Signoff dialog. This dialog requires that the Operational Administrator/ Supervisor provide their employee ID and password in order to complete the procedure.
- Open the Organization Manager.
- Expand the Assigned Organization Units to view the desired Organization Unit.
Please note: Organization Units can be nested within other Organization Units. Ensure that you are viewing the correct Organization Unit (at the correct level).
- Right-click on the Organization Unit and select Set Course Marks.
The Select Employees - Set Course Marks wizard appears. 
- Select the desired Employees to set course marks, and click Next>.
The Select Course - Set Course Marks wizard appears. 
- Select the course, and click Next>.
Only one course can be set at a time.
The Set Marks - Set Course Marks wizard appears. 
- For each individual Employee, enter the mark obtained.
- The date fields will automatically be populated with the current date. If you wish to change the date, click
next to the date field.
The Calendar dialog appears. 
- (Optional) If you have been assigned to sign off the assessment for someone else, you will see an "Assessed by" option in under the Time field—this will only appear if you have been given permission. This option allows you to choose an assessor's name. To learn more, visit Select an Assessor Name.
- Enter the desired date and click OK.
The date field is populated with the new date.
- Click Finish.