View By Chart Options

TRACCESS Dashboard charts are generally used for the same purpose, but the information can be displayed in many different ways. How the data appears in your chart is set with the View By dropdown menu in the Edit Chart Settings dialog.

Below are explanations of each View By option for Learner and management roles. For more info on other chart options, visit the About Charts or Using a Chart page.

Charts for Learners

Learner roles can add these types of charts to their Dashboard:

Completion by Process

This chart lists all of your assigned learning Processes. It is the type used for the default "My Job" chart. There are no levels to drill into this chart.

Drill Order: Processes

Qualification Summary

This chart displays a pie chart representing a summary of your learning progression. There are no levels to drill into this chart.

Drill Order: Tasks

Charts for Management

Management roles can add these types of charts to their Dashboard:

Cascaded Completion by Org Unit, Employee

This chart sums or "cascades" all of the child Org Units' completion into the selected parent Org Unit. It is the type used for the default "My Employees" chart. You can drill from Org Units, down to Employees, and then to Processes.

Drill Order: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Employees <--> Processes

Cascaded Completion by Org. Unit, Process

This chart sums or "cascades" all of the child Org Units' completion into the selected parent Org Unit. You can drill from Org Units, down to Processes, and then to Employees.

Drill Order: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Processes <--> Employees

Completion by Employee

Displays the completions of all the Employees of all the Org Units selected for the chart. You can drill from Employees to Processes, which will then show the completions for those Processes.

Drill Order: Employees <--> Processes

Completion by Org Unit, Employee

Displays the completions for the Required Learning of the Learners directly assigned to the displayed Org Units; however, this chart does not sum the child completions like the cascaded option. You can drill from Org Units, down to Employees, and then Processes.

Drill Order: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Employees <--> Processes

Completion by Org Unit, Process

Displays the completions for the Required Learning of the Learners directly assigned to the displayed Org Units; however, this chart does not sum the child completions like the cascaded option. You can drill from Processes down to Employees.

Drill Depth: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Processes <--> Employees

Completion by Process

Displays the completions of all the Processes assigned to all of the Org Units selected for the chart. This chart will allow drilling down to the Process, then the Employees assigned to that Process.

Drill Depth: Processes <--> Employees

Completion by Task

Displays the Tasks and their completions for the Org Units and Processes you have selected. You can drill from Tasks down to Employees.  

Drill Depth: Tasks <--> Employees

Target achieved by Org. Unit, Employee

Displays the number of Employees who are above or below the System Target for all of the Org Units you have selected. You can drill from the Org Units down to Employees and then Processes. The parent and child Org Units will show the target achieved number, but once you drill into Employees and Processes, these will show completions.

Drill Depth: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Employees <--> Processes

Target achieved by Org. Unit, Process

Displays the number of Employees who are above or below the System Target for all the Org Units you have selected. You can drill from the Org Units down to Processes and then Employees. The parent and child Org Units will show the target achieved number, but once you drill into Processes and Employees, these will show completions.

Drill Depth: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Processes <--> Employees

Target Achieved by Process

Displays the number of Employees who are above or below the System Target for all the Processes you have selected. You can drill from Processes to Employees. The Processes will show the target chieved number, but once your drill into Employees, these will show completions.

Drill Depth: Processes <--> Employees

Cascaded Target Achieved by Org. Unit, Employee

Displays the number of Employees who are above or below the System Target for all the Org Units you have selected; this chart sums the counts from the child Org Units for the System Target. You can drill from the Org Units down to Employees and then Processes. The parent and child Org Units will show the target achieved number, but once you drill into Employees and Processes, these will show completions.

Drill Depth: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Employees <--> Processes

Cascaded Target Achieved by Org. Unit, Process

Displays the number of Employees who are above or below the System Target for all the Org Units you have selected; this chart sums the counts from the child Org Units for the System Target. You can drill from the Org Units down to Processes and then Employees. The parent and child Org Units will show the target achieved number, but once you drill into Processes and Employees, these will show completions.  

Drill Depth: Org Units <--> Child Org Units <--> Processes <--> Employees

Additional Help:

About Charts

Adding a Chart to Your Dashboard

Enabling and Configuring Charts

Using a Chart